I’m waiting for spats to make a comeback.
I’m waiting for spats to make a comeback.
Isn’t this cultural appropriation? I’m sure Hobbits wouldn’t like seeing this theft.
She should do a McDonalds tour, munch on fries in between songs.
I last flew on Braniff as a kid and it was excellent. A kind man even let me take the first puff from his cigarette. Why are they not here?
Shut up, cuck.
That’s what happens when you don’t take care of your man in bed...
I have one word for you: ICE
I wonder what drug he was hopped on. Cocaine? Speed? Huffs of hashish before tipoff? Someone find his pusher.
Exactly. I’m supposed to be impressed they are doing what they got hired for? I thought this was the baseline of employment: doing your job.
How is this a hack? This is simply making your own meal. You do realize people have been doing this for centuries? You didn’t invent this.
$10 bucks for a mini sandwich, you consider that a deal?
A sandwich should cost no more than an hour’s pay at minimum wage. It’s a sandwich we are talking about, not Beef Wellington,
Margot is too rough looking and weird eyed to be Barbie. Plus those scrawny legs don’t help. Had Reese Witherspoon been in her 20s now, she would have been perfect for the role. And Gosling’s face is just too old to be convincing as Ken.
Foreign parts assembled by union members seems to be more patriotic than American parts assembled by non-union members.
Your “three slide” slide show could have been three bullet points in the summary.
And anonymous prizes are stupid, as it ripe for corrupt abuse by those in charge.
Will there be an EV version, eventually? Because I want this in EV, not a Mach-E coupe.
You do not understand Little Caesar’s operating style. They are located in areas that are not prime commercial areas. These vending machines are in places where there is a lot of traffic, which means high location cost.
Mama Rosas frozen pizza. I’m a cheap SOB, but this is the only pizza ever where I could not even finish half of the first slice, threw away the rest of the pizza, and also threw away the other uncooked one (comes in a 2 pack).
Also there was 100% employment then, as well.