
If I were a barista, I would refuse to touch any outside cup. Who knows where that thing has been?

So they replace one intoxicant with another? These people fail at moral signaling.

“ now that I’m not a drinker”

And scimp out by underfilling the tacos and burritos so they are all loose and skinny.

Price it lower?

Have you ever tasted it? I bought one once, it literally took me all day to finish it.

Ummm, water does not make anything crispy again. Do you even know how food works?

The Accord/Charger supposed similarity is only in the grill design. Remove that, and they look NOTHING alike. The Accord is bean shaped, the Charger is more brick-like.

Or simply sampling someone else who actually made music, I don’t know whether to call it irony or obliviousness.

That’s not milk. That’s juice.

There is no such thing as oat, soy, or almond “milk”. It is oat/soy/almond juice.

Warehouses are the rich man’s “barn”.

Oh please. If Oprah did it you’d be crowing about how this is “brilliant”.

Not only that, but a good place to pick up chicks.

If the AI is coded by a Negro, is it allowed to say nigger in its creations?

These guys will never want for vending machines snacks for the rest for their lives.

Speaking of rewards, I miss the old Subway method of individual purchases. Five separate purchases would net you a free footlong sub, so I would place 5 separate online orders for dressing cups (at different Subways throughout the nation), which were like 25 cents each, and never pick them up. So for a total of $1.25,

The sad part of this list, none of these machines still are big enough for transporting your average Amerikan Walmart-er and his family...

I’m more surprised that there’s Blacks in Connecticut. Did the bus to Harlem take a wrong turn?

Next up: suing The Root for not running enough stories about her.