So you take it out on the guy who didn’t make the law, and who could be imprisoned for not following this law, your Highness? How mighty White of you.
So you take it out on the guy who didn’t make the law, and who could be imprisoned for not following this law, your Highness? How mighty White of you.
Sounds like what Big Lots used to be.
Hiding Out did it better.
Sooooo...salad seasoning?
Plot twist: he only highlights Black people’s cars.
Was this motorcycle made by PistenBully?
Am I to feel bad if the potentially White suspect was caught unharmed, or if the potentially Black suspect was killed? I need some guidance from the wokesters and race baiters here.
You act like you buy cars on a weekly basis.
Then you will like NASCAR even more. They actually race in that league.
Raise the rear of the car up, that way you are always going downhill.
Hertz will use your mug shot.
All...break-ins occur without use of a key, sir.
This is nifty. I’ll be sure to tell my butler to do that for me.
Why did they not get Ellen Page for this?
For $15 I’m going to an Indian buffet, not fucking around with a god damn salad. Salad should never cost more than $5.
I thought his dad had kidnapped Agent Scully and then died when his eardrum exploded.
If you need to groom that hill, I know of a PistenBully PB240D that’s not being used right now.
I’m in Category 1. My bank account is in Category 3.
Apple is the case study. They had 100% of the PC market when the Apple II was released.