What? Cold fusion is (again) the answer to our worlds energy problems, you say?
What? Cold fusion is (again) the answer to our worlds energy problems, you say?
Shouldn’t native peoples be taken care of first? This is their land, ya know? Everyone else here is just a guest, Blacks included.
Truthfully no pro sports franchise should be using public money.
That is one fetching Negress.
He actually puts out product that works, and actually does put thought. Trump merely wants your money and has never had a product worth wanting.
Umm where are these unicorn $13K Sparks? I see them at $16K+, minimum.
Hell, FCA once designed a WATER PUMP that caught on fire. It takes a supreme amount of engineering incompetence to pull that feat off.
I too struggle to fathom how one fails to pay the bills on “only” $150K a week. OK, so 20% goes to the agent, which means he made about $7.6 million before taxes in six years, on a cable show. His work load was two to four months a year. I really find it hard to sympathize with complaining about that pay, especially in…
You haven't heard the last of me!
If you are unmarried, simply get some guy to claim he's the father. The impregnator need not know.
Hey look, an undisclosed paid advertisement. Do you realize that’s a fineable FTC violation?
Most tap water is fine. The problem it tastes like shit in some areas, due to too much chlorine, etc.
My number one requirement is how good a manager is at getting me more money each year. Until you come through with this...FIRST, I seriously do not want to hear shit about anything else from you.
Did you buy one when they were around? No? Then that’s why they stopped selling them.
Does it fucking matter? Artists prefer eyeballs on them and cash, not industry trinkets you have to pay to submit for.
Plot twist: BB is a stealth X-files spin off.
If you can believe in a “benevolent” floating being instead of science, truthfully, demon possession is not a big stretch.
Just say it, you’re a faggot. Maybe you can get ass pounded by the same bodyguard that raped Lil Bow Wow.
You type with an air of a person who has never learned how to use their fingers for any activity.
Why can’t they use tires from the Tire Rack? Those things usually are rated for good longevity. Why I just saw a set rated for at least 30K miles. That should be plenty for this little contest. If they too expensive I think Walmart is running a special.