
From the moment a helicopter leaves the assembly line, the only thing it wants to do is kill you.

Well you can’t just drive THROUGH it!

Protip: razor blade the gunk

Counterpoint: barking is how dogs talk. When you bark, you are talking in canine.

If there were only some type of plentiful liquid around they could use to douse the flames.

Chrysler is the company that designed a water pump that...caught on fire!

Isn’t this “wide body” variant just fender flares?

This whining is tiring, especially from you women who apply makeup, wear slimming corsets and color their hair to look “natural”.

Nothing will happen, because then RAY-SISM!!!!

I’m going to pen a story about a dominant Tibetan monk and a submissive Chinese woman who is a CCP official.

No, it is Wolfgang

Or something like Boonqueesha or LeMonjello (lemon jello) or Nosmo King (no smoking).

It’s good to see that Lil Bow Wow was able to bounce back after being raped by his bodyguard as a teen.

I’m hoping for a Kent State 2: Canadian Boogaloo.

So all it takes to keep Kanye from performing his rap “music” is make a dig at Travis? Please, everyone start doing this.

Alternate theory: someone whacked him on the back of his head.

My car got a $400 offer

I’m guessing you won’t approve of my bride and I passing ice cubes to each other mouth to mouth?

Ummm, Singer works on Porsche 911...