
Milli Vanilli the face men may be frauds, but those tracks were performed and recorded by real people. The actual recorded music is still valid on its own.

Wow. It's like you weren't even awake Jan 6.

Bro stick to Atari’s Night Driver if that's case.

If you want the “purest’ canine, get a jackal, because that’s where they are all descended from, even wolves.

Wasn’t Tab just coke without sweetener? That's the soda equivalent of black coffee.

Shouldn't it really be called Cincinnati Pasta, because that's what the main ingredient is.

Confucius say “Jain who not wear clothes, just hanging out.

Why would it lack garlic and onion? Last I checked those are not meats.

Her impact is certainly felt.

There is a little known seat twerking subculture that is always looking for optimum settings for perpetrating their buttock gyrations.

Is this an outtake from Airplane?

The “grilled” in grilled cheese refers to the flat top grill short order cooks use, not a barbecue/cookout grill.

That is the most convoluted, stupid way to make a grilled cheese. Those retarded “cheese boats”, it’s just nacho cheese, melt it in a ramekin or something.

If that’s the case, why weren’t all navy ships then built like this? They would have never been sunk.

It’s still $5M too much to waste on this boondoggle. Scrap the thing, really no point keeping it around.

Yikes. That’s barely any total range for real world use. Is this meant to live on a golf course?

Why not? Let me introduce you to a thing called wood rot.

Protip: you can erase data...

There’s only two possible explanations for them. Either he has a big bank account, or a big dick.

If you work hands on with electronics, you can’t do that remotely. This may be a shock to you, but not every job is remotable.