
Unfortunately it feels like these are the ones that are breeding the most.

Interesting, raising your voice is causing a disturbance but crashing your 5,500 pound SUV police cruiser through the front wall is apparently not.

Your very statement here is racist, so kudos for that I guess.  TBH, racist whites are a huge burden to this nation as so many are on welfare and not a valid contributing member to society.

now THIS is the pedantry i come here for

The series’ premise is that the only way to save a galactic empire from collapse is to fight against its establishment”

It is about cars and car payments. Blame your GOPer’s for politicizing the Bidens buying a Ford Raptor.

I’m here to read the comments to comments about articles here. Please keep comments to a maximum, it is now more entertaining than the articles here.

I am here to read comments about the article. Not complaints. There’s a lot of us that are just fed up with ALL commenters complaining about an article. Can you just focus on article content?

“I hate this politics shit!” [clicks link] “Why can’t I just read about cars stuff here.” [leaves comment] “That’ll show ‘em.” [shits pants]

We don’t have to be active participants in your willful ignorance.

Well, it’s about truck payments, so it is automotive.


Kind of a stretch to call that a dull finish. While I agree with the bad quality of the work, which was most likely done at a local dealer and not by the factory.  I can clearly read that tesla solar stand in the finish.

In other words, they’re... unseamly?

Be sure to insist that mommy leave your night light on - conspiracists are everywhere, and they never sleep!

I'm getting some weird 80s alfa Romeo vibes here

No but we have the good sense to only pay that kind of money for cars that are not upjumped tractors.

“they’re supporting someone who can’t even be honest about their height.

This means that they just passed the first test of being a GOP candidate with flying colors.

With a drink holder that large, I’m thinking range is going to be determined by the capacity of the driver’s bladder rather than battery size.

I can vouch for this. I used to be a bit Tesla fan, I really was a chearleader for him and the brand. But ever since he wouldn’t shut up up on twit-site, his actions towards trans people, and his just increasingly obvious racism as well as the general shabby build qualities and grifting business practises, I will not