Designing something to last over 75K miles requires good engineering. Designing something to last exactly 75K miles requires great engineering.
Designing something to last over 75K miles requires good engineering. Designing something to last exactly 75K miles requires great engineering.
I’d argue that the problems with German cars is more the quality of the parts than the engineering. Like using the wrong cheap plastic for timing chain guides or the wrong glue to hold the interior together. I’ve owned numerous German cars (though I prefer Japanese) and the one thing that stood out was how chintzy…
Sorry, I didn’t see your comment before posting mine. I agree on the funky cool vibe. Thanks also for the photo -- I didn’t post one because I seem to always have trouble when I try.
They seem to have created a vehicle that compensates as much as the driver by employing the reverse clown car effect. Big space with almost nothing inside.
Toyota somehow did it.
Grillpocalyps continues
Toyota says Oh, hell no! to Chevy having the ugliest truck in the world honors and declares war!
He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,…
I’m hoping Tomica does a diecast version... I’ve bought almost every other Mitsuoka they’ve released.
I don’t think that’s what it is. I think they’re trying to delay the Oshkosh vehicle by about 4 years, because they’re sure either Trump himself or the Trump bootlicker that will be elected in 2024 will cancel the Oshkosh contract and give it to Workhorse. It’s not even that crazy a theory.
Exhaust all remaining funds in legal fees before imploding.
Didn’t read the article, but I’m assuming copyright infringement filed by representatives for Easter Island?
Joe Rogaine.
You can take a shit in anything if you don’t care enough
Only 770lbs on the bed? Where will the average ‘merican’s spouse sleep then?