
Both Fiats in our household have this feature.


What an idiotic list. Try harder.

Yes. Many. I live in the LA area wher Maseratis are common. You’re much more likely to see phat gold chains hanging from the drivers of AMGs and M-Cars with tacky massive aftermarket wheels and limo tint. I know a few people that drive Ghibils and one that owns a Levante, and they’re low key professionals. I’ll grant

To be fair, everyone in New Jersey wear gold chains, regardless of the make of their car.

You forgot the rattling body panels from a monstrous bass set-up and the weaving between lanes at high speed without the use of turn signals.

You’re thinking of AMG

Er, no. It looks like a kit car designed by engineering students.

Wouldn’t any president lower gas prices to buy votes if they could?

Silly socialist! Dems only do bad things!

Let’s put this genius in the room with Will.I.Am, trump and Yeezy or whatever the fuck his name is nowadays, so we can solve all the world’s problems, once and for all.

You can make any car go 300k miles if you maintain it and keep replacing stuff that breaks or wears out, so only mildly impressed. Ultimately it’s a lot of coin for a 300k mile car, and it’s only commanding that price because the cult of 911 overhypes and overvalues them. Also, tres douchy in black/black/black.  Pass.

I wasn’t looking for another reason NOT to buy a new MW, but now it seems I have one.


So... point proven?

Idiot consumers enable these greedy stealerships.

Very surprised the Jeep didn’t have the angry face grill and these wheels:

Can we just let Texas secede so we can build a wall around them and make them pay for it? They can annex Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, etc too.

Maybe he should have been wearing a MAGA cycling helmet and stuck a massive confederate flag on the back.

It’s not a toy. It’s a legal mode of transportation and for many their only mode, and cyclsist have kids and jobs too, so check your misplaced entitlement at the door. If you can’t figure out how to navigate around a slow moving object 30" wide you shouldn’t be driving . Also doubt you’re so important that a 15