
It’s too bad because they’re the best looking of the domestics, but yeah, official truck of douche bros. I feel similarly about Chargers. I like them but wouldn’t go anywhere near one because they’re 90% driven by vapping douchebags w backwards, cut n paste tribal tattoos, facing ball caps and gold chains.

Gas has been too cheap for too long in the US, allowing moving vans and RVs with 8L V10s and massive pickups and SUVs as commuter vehicles. It’s ridiculous. It’s still way cheaper than it has been at any time in Europe and in most of the rest of the world. I feel zero sympathy for the herd that for years flocked to

Fo those that have a functioning brain, learn from actual personal experience and don’t believe everything on the internet from armchair pundits, yes, it does work.’s the automotive equivalent of stale Polish jokes from the 90's

Dude, modern Alfas are not a ‘nightmare to maintain’. They require very little maintenance actually. The 500+ hp QV models are very complex, not unlike any AMG or M car, or ANY Audi model for that matter, but those are expensive performance cars, not commuter Corollas. So tired of hearing the same lame knee-jerk

They cost roughly the same. The only reason to buy a Lexus is because of the bulletproof reliability, but then you’re stuck with boring /ugly car that says you’re a basic bitch (gorgeous LC excepted), overlaid with a truly hideous grille. Also, if you’re thinking that hard about how some body perceives you

The usual idiotic comments from idiotic brand tribalists, whenever there’s a poll.

That’s one ugly race car

Colombo aired from the early 70's to (gasp) 2003! With a a ten year gap in between.

Seriously amazing.

I’ll have to violently disagree with your assessment of “not as as nicely made”. The quality of the castings, the detail of the tampos, the accuracy of details is far far superior than what I bought as a kid. Yes, often the bases are often plastic, but who cares when they’re so much nicer in every other way? Also, no

OMG, the hyperbolic drama queens. Chrysler 300s are not Toyota Corollas as far as reliability goes, but they’re not horrendously terrible either. My in-laws have had one for a few years. It’s been perfectly fine.

The Etna is gorgeous, and still a vision of the future I prefer over today’s over-styled, disjointed, angry, testosterone-dosing origami designs.

You mean they cut the roof off in so-so photoshop?

Joke’s on you! The Tesla has bulletproof glass! Oh wait...

Never NEVER apologize for boobies...

Why do idiots like this all revert to displaying giant national flags? They don’t represent their country. They’re just bringing shame to it.

is it still 1979? Just checking.

Sure man, whatever. I’ll let you have the last word.

This would have been so much funnier it it had happened to a late model full-size pick up, a Charger or Challenger