
That’s bad enough news without us having to be subjected to another image of the iX.

I would hate to sit next to you at any superhero/ sci fi film

Got it, so it will put less stress on the mechanic’s lift, which is good, since it will be there a lot.

So, same problems, different badge, for more money.


Also, its design included more than 6 triangles.

...and a pie to the face.

Yup, big trucks are stupidly and needlessly fast, because they have stupidly big engines. Doesn’t make other things slower by default.

Molasses does 0-60 in 6.5 seconds? Really? What kind of dragster do you daily?

“Patriots’ though...amirite?

In LA, I would maim and kill for a $500k house that is habitable.

Toyota saw how offensively hideous the Silverado and new 4 Series are and said “Hold my sake”

$3ook for an AMG G63??!! WTF...Uh, no. Fantastic SUV, but no...And how has an Aventador appreciated in 5 years?

Mine was stolen twice, on my street. I got wise and installed a Cat Clamp and sine then other cars have had their stolen, but mine was left alone. They prob saw the clamp and decided it wasn’t worth the effort

It computes if you understand the meaning of words. It was reliable, but not durable.

I love love LOOOOOVE the Avantime!

My parents had an’ 87  manual 1.9 5 Speed Wagon and it was pretty zippy. It was very comfortable actually, especially the seats. It wasn’t made of the best materials but it wasn’t awful, and it was dead reliable...until the main bearings began to fail at 88k miles...despite proper maintenance. Still, I have fond

I think it looks pretty good. Not super distinctive, but clean and not overdesigned.

More like a breakdown in “design”.Ugh.

Too much for cheap bastard Jalops, but another VW enthusiast will appreciate the high levels of quality and buy this. My only grip is the 1.8T which wasn’t VW/Audi’s finest hour. These are notorious for impossible to find vacuum leaks amongst other issues and had narrow power band. I have one in my Audi TT and it’s