

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

I once read a quip that the GT-R was best known as the #1 car that boyfriends excitedly pointed out to their completely ambivalent girlfriends.

Congratulations, Mr. Katsumoto, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Honda Civic Type R which this lovely lady will deliver after she drag races light to light.

Yep. I agree with that list. Though I would add at the top - A mustang leaving cars and coffee.

My employer buys me all kinds of electronics, including a Mac laptop. I assume that’s the sort of thing he means.


It should come as no surprise that this looks particularly short-sighted to me. Though gas prices go up and down, consumers tend to buy based on prices a the pump as they are. No longer pressuring car companies to to have long-term goals in mind when consumers have shown time and time again to have little to no

How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

I dug it. A few of my friends & I figured out the first episode he was in jail. (One suggested psych ward) Sliding door, people come to visit, room that looks like a jail & Craig was one of the guards walking the dog in the yard. Once I realized it was easy to appreciate the visual nods. I’m not sure why the anger

It’s a Facebook Live video, which films in the same aspect ratio no mater which way you hold the camera. It’s one aspect of Facebook Live video that absolutely sucks.



Go figure.

Yeah, they even referenced it on Top Gear more than a few times. I’m surprised people are surprised by this.

Ban air guitar?!?