
Not a single shot of the trunk! How many dead hookers are powering that thing?! I NEED TO KNOW.

Ok ok Sean, fine. We’ll buy our Africa Twins together and head down to the baja peninsula on an adventure.

Here I was just excited to have 3 Sean posts in one day... And now I have all these comments to read through after seeing the COTD.

So many blurred memories of drinking Dogfish 90 Minutes on the Acela train between Philly and DC... great deal. Also, save yourself a walk and carry a bottle opener (duh) and order one opened and one closed.

I will drive home thinking of all the non-diesel Volkswagen automobiles I could be driving. A garage so filled with horsepower they will do a /Drive special on it.

There are no frogs in this graphic. Hard to visualize...

My neighbor currently has a Fiat 500e and lives in an apartment. Granted Santa Monica is flush with charging options as well as a Fiat dealership (free charging for 500e’s) within walking distance... planning your life around charging is a trade-off some are willing to live with.

I’ll just leave this here.

I thought that the 200k mark was always the $20k engine rebuild interval for high mileage Porsches. Maybe that was just for the classic air cooled ones though.

For those that are looking around for pictures of the Black and Silver models mentioned... here you go:

They definitely achieved their mission of creating a lust-worthy tier over the entry levels (even though I’ve always been excited by the CBR600RR and having never ridden a 600 supersport). The Africa Twin reminds me of a bike you’d see in Jackie Chan movies growing up, where the bad guys are doing wheelies down

Damn those knobbies look good on the bike

I will choose to live vicariously through this suggestion and go with the clown shoe for waaaay under budget.

That was a really interesting podcast. +1

He means he passed gas under the covers and held his wife as a poo-gas prisoner- forced to breath in his farticles until the air pocket was breached or she passed out from post-burrito fumes.

I must be the only one here that actually owns a “light saver” t-shirt...

It looks like the only way those recessed headlights can spread the beam in front of the car. Still looks like it got hit with an axe.

This looks like the GTA V parody of an executive sedan.


In the name of the accelerator, the brake, and the holy clutch pedal... praise be.