Again i want to say this is a bunch of bull
Bunch of Bull
@Korrupt: actually thats almost the size of the 2nd gen shuffle
so what happens when i has headphonse on
This is no different than before fuck the MPEG Corp fucking bitches all they ever want is money money money. They has so much that if they wiped their ass with $100 bills after taking a shit that it wouldnt matter
where can i get free 3d glasses? the red and blue or the red an cyan or whatever
Wait i though beer comes in cans already
Wait i though beer comes in cans already
@notlikeacat: LOL unless i have a Core i7 980X up in dat hoe
i like gas burners it cooks better
#FuckingApples Fix the damn Normalize option on the iPod Classic it doesnt work!!!!
Oh shit i just used the word FACE now find me and FINE me in my FACE! (Replace face with any word you choose GO!)
@tomsomething: Norton AutoMobil Edition 2010
@Ian Logsdon: Netflix might offer 1080p video but the bitrate they use is soo loow that the quality is really reduced so it looks as if i took a DVD quality video and stretched it to 1080p and called it HD
Microsoft should just withdraw the money right now there's no point in wasting a billion dollars when they can use that money to make a mobile os better than iOS and Android with $100,000,000,000
@Ian Logsdon: And your video quality being comparable to at least DVD is so last century
Guys the only mirage is at 1:25