haha Bone Zone 2 and the Long End Of Zelda
haha Bone Zone 2 and the Long End Of Zelda
"...so we can't verify the efficacy of this method. THus, be sure to let..." @corrections
@Platypus Man: usability or accessibility like the dock, spaces, dashboard, no need to run installers, easy access to downloads, fast updates,shut down and start up times, less crashes if a program hangs,iphone sdk ,xcode and the list goes on
@ZINO: duh
Real Book Ya
Get the PS3 120GB Sell the Harddrive On eBay and then buy a 320 GB harddrive for half the price! Thats what i did lol
@JohnnyricoMC: OH NO HE DI'NT!
That looks Photoshopped No Joke
@jblues: i like that idea that way when they all die off i can get more chicks!
Way to make people fatter
@Damien Lavizzo: Or Its A "Feature"
@sc4ld: its exclusive of the mattress ie extra cost
@iwuzbord: Adblock available in Cydia
That "somehow" might have been "someone" at the Apple Store Pressing the "Restore from Backup" button in iTunes instead of "Update" or "Restore to Factory"
@Stevenk: Gizmo5do
@talkingstove: Emphasis on the words POS
@Kaiser-Machead: so where do i keep my phone which has two recording equipment in it when i am in the theater because like you said it should not be IN THE THEATER while the MOVIE is PLAYING