
These cost the planet quite a lot to produce.

Watching to door awkwardly hinge and swing upward is an exercise in 'oh DON"T BREAK IT!'

The brilliant part is, he'll never get the $3M. But he will get some money (because people are idiots), and then can say "aww, we didn't raise enough money" and then pockets $100 - $5000, or whatever he raised.

Sir Mix-a-lot would buy a Soul I'm sure...

So should I call the doctor now, or 4 hours from now when it's definitely still hard?

Maybe have it give:

Yes please.

Please tell me more about "the Star Wars" and these inclement weather soldiers.

Crackpipe only because it doesn't have the mandatory double-tube light bar that was/is required on 80's toyota 4x4's.

probably nothing is a greater testament to his grip on power than that there is no mention of any of these being equipped with a dash cam.

The internet is a fucking scary place.

Pay? They'll just put them on Angela Merkel's credit card while she's not looking.

With gyros.

By the time the first 2015 Ford F-150 rolls off the assembly line, we will have built and tested several hundred prototypes around the U.S. (disclaimer: I manage Ford Truck Communications)

well, this one burned up in the alley behind my house and melted part of the garage more pics here

True story: My girlfriend talks in her sleep. I'm a light sleeper, so everytime she talks I wake up. She's always in that sort of twilight state where she will say something, I can reply, and she'll answer. So one night she says "They are horrible, I hate them". I said "What's horrible?" She replied "PT Cruisers", and

"So how's it gonna work Gunner?"