
He probably stole the bag too…

Does Sherlock count?

Remember when they did those concerts dressed in nothing? That was cold.

Snape was the biggest copout of all. From the very beginning, she writes this guy as Devil's Baby Brother who protects Harry because of Dumbledore. We're supposed to physically and mentally hate him.

Me: "How…what…why?"
PSH somewhere: "Well, dude, we just don't know."

The real one would have said "Thankoo vaary mucch" in a terrible Asian accent.

Supes: I'm warning you
Lex: Try and stop me
Supes: This is your last chance
Lex: *laughs maniacally, sends Lois a Farmville Invite*

I read the script of Transformers. It went something like this:

No one wants them to spell everything out, but a hint would be nice.

I personally think every frame that has Andrew Garfield in it is pretty much ruined. But then, that's just me…

Is it just me or do the "Spiderman swinging around" scenes look too much like a video game?

"Eleeectrooo maaagneeetisssmmmmm"
*waves hands in air as producers count cash*