
Um.... no.

I am actually kinda sad about this. I enjoyed listening to their GT time and I liked the people involved, and Brandon Jones was a great voice over for those reviews.

It’s also amusing because they have Youtubers promoting this as well, and I think they are possibly going to be doing voices as well? Not sure.

This is easily one of my new favourites.

Being a weeaboo is a bit more pretending to be Japanese, not just wanting to read a book in the original language.

Whatever works for you.

That is such a dumb argument.

Yeah, I should probably have specified Fallout and Skyrim rather then Bethesda. Other games of theirs haven’t been too bad. Not much of a horror fan so I stayed away from Evil Within, but it looked rather nice graphically.

Well you really assumed a lot there. I meant that there has been no significant improvement for their games, so instead of buying day one I will wait for reviews. No mention of boycotts at all.

In the world of reviews and youtube playthroughs 40$ is not that much money if the game is good. A lot goes into these games and if a person is going to get value out of it, whatever they personally deem that value, then its fine.

I wanna say that Bethesda should hire these modders to do these fixes before release, but why would they when we all buy the game and they get the fixes for free?

Well actually that was the conversation, since the original comic was about Yokai watch being GOTY and how it was supposed to be like Mike Fahey.

If people enjoy a game what is the problem? It can be their game of the year if it’s the one they enjoyed most.

Well it depends on whether you want to play a game or watch an interactive movie. They’re both fun, though in different ways. Ever try Sleeping Dogs or Yakuza?

I miss the old days when I could play multiple massive games in a year.

Sleeping Dogs! Finally!

I was super excited to see that Xenoshyft was the next KS. Finally I don’t have to spend money on a coolminiornot KS. I can save up for the rest.

I amazed a friend when I showed him the big wallpaper of all the characters and monsters from that KS. I doubt I’ll use most of them, but it’s amazing to have that choice. And with Others it was a done deal when all the sins got unlocked. I have a coolminiornot addiction.

He does game but he did rightfully point out that I backed like 15 games this year and we hardly play the old games. So unless it’s super great, I try and control the spending.

Oh god yes, so much money spent on KS board games. Didn’t do SDE though since I prefer Arcadia quest (and spent plenty backing that too)