
Yeah, I watched that expecting it to be one of those terrible straight to dvd movies, but it was a fun movie. I read the book ages ago so I can’t remember if it was faithful to its source, but even if it wasn’t it’s a pretty solid and we’ll acted... sorta horror movie.

This is why I don’t like panels. I hate these awkward questions. And there are always gonna be a few of those.

The appeal is that those people enjoy the person doing the streaming. It’s rather simple. It’s entertainment and different people have different choices in what entertains them.

No offense, but I would suggest doing more research before dropping 250$ on something. If that was why you bought it, then you should have made sure there WAS an online mode instead of assuming.

I love seeing board game reviews on here ☺

While I don’t agree with the diss on pixel art, I do agree that if the creators had honor, they would work their ass off to finish the game they promised people, and took money for.

This really has been the best big event I have ever read because while I didn’t love all the series, none were complete stinkers. In comparison the DC event this year was boring...

The only “score” that should exist is recommend or not. I want to read a review that explains how the game works, or doesn’t, but in the end it should just be a yes or no question, not this 1 out of 10 nonsense where someone’s 5 could be another’s 10....

Well of course he gets his money through ad revenue, but that isn’t being paid for by the parents. There is no money to return to them.

Wait, how did their parent earn money for him? YouTube is a free service....

The best responses to this are “I love Batman but this is all true”.

I always find it funny when people say Batman is relatable. The guy is a millionaire who can buy all this tech. I relate to him no more then I do Superman.

Fallout 3 is a great game, and it is rather open world with lots of side missions, but you can always of course stay on target. And the gameplay is great enough that having visuals that are outdated doesn’t suck that much.

The girls on the right? Those are the Stepford cuckoos

While I enjoyed the ideas behind this comic and I do love seeing the x-men as old farts.... the artwork is super ugly to me. I was never a huge fan of Quitely either but his art was never this.... ugly. Which I guess makes sense for this story...

Does he have a special move that involves cutting his head off? Cause I won’t lie, that would be awesome and unique.

I gotta say when I got to this part I was PISSED. I was happy Oracle was in the game and she gets kidnapped so quickly and then that... I know people will argue about why it’s a big deal since male characters get kidnapped and killed in these stories too, but for me it almost ended my playing of the game. I was just

I enjoyed LSP when she was a background character. When they started doing a bunch of episodes about her, yeah she got annoying to me pretty fast. Not as bad as Tree Trunks though

Yes yes yes yes yes.

With forums you should never have a day without mods. They hopefully have learnt that the internet is a 24/7 place.