
The problem is with the hardline Christians. Those that believe that God's word (the bible) is never wrong. If you believe his word is never, ever wrong you therefore can't believe that evolution is right. There's no loophole to get round that God created the earth in seven days thing....

I think it'll be great :)

That's not terrible, or as terrible, this one I think is worse because it has "you" in the tagline. Therefore it's totally telling me what to think. I perhaps get what they're trying to do. I just think it tends to ruin things for a lot of people.

I think Princess Bride has sort of been the white whale for a lot of filmmakers. No one seems that have really been able to make another movie that combines so many elements so well. I wouldn't be surprised if people kept trying.

That Evil Dead poster annoys me.

Easily the best new scifi series this year. And I'm gonna say easily the best across any mediums too. Loved it.

Top 10 by Alan Moore, Gene Ha and Xander Cannon. It is my favourite comic, and it is my go to suggestion for people who don't perhaps like comics too much. It's a great story with great characters and great artwork. It appreciated the superhero genre while also making a wee bit of fun at that genre's expense.So much

I gotta agree mostly. While in the books you can have them older and kicking ass, sadly reality doesn't always match. Leia in leadership would be fine, and Han... well it's Harrison Ford he'd be mostly okay... Luke would be best I think in a replacement Yoda role, well Yoda from the original trilogy not the one that

I hate to tell you this but iamthemob is morally superior to someone who is a raging homophobe.

I was watching this with my BF who is a zombie lover and WD fan since its first issue.... And we both hate Andrea. Mostly cause we love her sooooo much in the comics. But when she finally kissed the Governor we were annoyed, cause you know... her only role apparently is to sleep with guys... but we were happy it was

Yeah. He's not. Those of us who might have been hyping up the Governor were talking about the one in the comics, and he was C-R-A-Z-Y and completely evil. Right from the beginning.

I think also the direct to DVD part as well as having a plotline that doesn't really seem to acknowledge the first movie, is also gonna make it flop.

I have always wondered this myself whenever I checked the closet or bathrooms or anything. Anytime I did it, right after I'd be asking myself.. "Wait, what would I have done if i had checked the closet and there HAD been something or someone there?"

Grave of the Fireflies. Oh god... that movie.... seriously depresses me.... so much. Such an amazing movie. But you're right, never gonna watch that again.

Really? None of those scenes were sad? At all?

Well the other actors (and I'd also point at the actress who played Gwen on Torchwood appeared before too) showed up on the show before they were cast as companions....

Ah damn.... I would just watch this purely to see Emma Thompson and Jeremy Irons having fun with an iffy screenplay.

I shall agree with most people on here that getting the chance to play any game for free is worth it.... it's free.... so you know, you don't have to if you don't want to.

Yeah. I dislike her for her plagiarizing in her fanfiction.

Well she didn't plagiarize this series, so that SHOULDN'T come up when dealing with the book series.