
Hey, isn’t that the girl who didn’t go to Paris?

Lauren Conrad has got to be one of the top 5 luckiest people alive. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that probably only Kylie Jenner has worked less hard for her reality TV success.

Cool update. I’m again reminded that Kristen Stewart has the incapability of closing her mouth and breathing through her nose.

We absolutely do need a 10 year The Hills reunion.

Also “stop making me like you after you tried to make “I’m an actress, we’re ambiguous” a thing!

Who can tell when K-Stew is happy? She only has one facial expression.



Never in my life have I been so happy that I am not an Olympic athlete.

I don’t care whether or not people agree with Kanye about Beyonce’s video- going up and interrupting someone like that was just hateful. Thinking something and acting out in a way that hurts someone who did nothing to you are two very different things.

Taylor needs smarter people advising her. If she had just feigned disinterest over Kanye’s song, no one would have cared. But she had to keep going with the Miss Innocent act and now she just looks even more ridiculous.

So can we all agree that he must be a Brony, based on the fact that he has that pony’s quotes so readily available?

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

Yeah remember 2007 when Jezebel wasn’t a pop culture site? Those sure were the days.

I guess I’m just glad that when I was a teenager, pretty much the worst public embarrassment we could suffer on the internet was saying something awkward to a crush over AIM. I really wish kids were allowed to have their private lives for a little longer.

Shit, do we all have to publicly start apologizing for what little assholes we were at 14? This is going to take a while... soon as I saw he used her full name instead of just saying “Taylor”, my suspicion hackles were raised. Who calls their significant other by their full name?

I was shocked when this first happened but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. They are both the human equivalent of unsalted butter and they are perfect for each other.

Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy. Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.