You pay more, you get more. ‘Twas ever thus.
Seems like a joke.
Yeah, she might not be completely stupid but she’s at least three-fifths stupid.
How awkward would it be if the person you were going to have sex with pulled out a condom packet with an personalized picture of twin fetuses on it?
Woke bae makes no sense. I’m officially an “old”
A younger, nerdier Robert Downey Jr. and a totally *BRITISH* Rachel Bilson?
It’s her! She’s pregnant!
Reminds me too much of Josie Grosie.
I've already seen it twice and plan on seeing it again. I will gladly hand over my money to this franchise as long as they keep churning out good movies.
It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
I rolled my eyes right out of my head when I saw Kylie’s ring. She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew what people would ask. Very much for attention.
No, they were.
I feel like as punishment we should just completely ignore Kylie when she does become engaged because there is nothing I hate more than someone who clearly eludes to something over and over again and then still demands the attention once that something actually happens.
Hitting her bong?? You mean Miley Cyrus does DRUGS? COLOR ME SHOCKED.