
Mine is just slip on and I can tear it easy and not 30 dollars

Mine is just slip on and I can tear it easy and not 30 dollars

To be fair they not making you write a good story they give an option. Just like every car manufacture giving reviews of car. Now excuse my I just threw up

Lucky you. My 6s crashes randomly. And I love how opening a game. It’s states running this program may cause your phone to slow down.

Really gaming is better on a pc. Lowe prices and just as many people around had had mac peoblems as pc. Etc etc see I don’t have to quote evidence either.

It seems to me from the outside foxtrot turned into blame trump for everything. Trumps wants to restore the military and create American jobs. Foxtrot comes along. And says oh the humanity but half the jets can’t fly. Job safety is based on the employer and person Not a customer Name a job that dosent have risks

All the articles today seem to be directed at Trump and trying to say how will you do what you say when he got this sorry state of equipment. Another article stated that naval ship are over used under maintenance and that because of the budget impasse was done. And then they state we won’t argue about that. And

Cool master Half x case. The thing huge but dam the working space inside

Not really .... considering the quality that was the other sites

Isnt it Cnet now. I think I just threw up in my throat typing that

Best grilled cheese maker ever. And easier to clean than George foreman

Best grilled cheese maker ever. And easier to clean than George foreman

Most people forget that your a republic and keep saying democracy....princess bride pops into my mind .... does anyone actual remember what the pledge of allegiance says. .... right can’t say it anymore. Some tree hugging hippies got offended and don’t like ... sorry if wrong but is it the first admenent. Your

I can the captains going you call a gun this is a gun. I like how if they fire all at once broadship the ship moves 12 feet

don’t think there is a big lense to see it well maybe hubble

Of all the people I ever met I like my dog (cat) the most

Cough cough sadam Hussein or what we called. Him so dam insane

I thought GM was all plastic. My grand am I don't think the genders were metal. I had a accidents and was able to pull it out. GM was the leader in cheap fits for a long time. And for fords credit making a v6 do the work of v8

Looks more like .42 psi. Sand viscosity looks high

I will take 4 orders for 8 planes. Personal airforce