
Now imagine if you woke up with one

Trouble here is we don't have camel toe we have moose knuckle google it I dare you

Fuck yeah. Motts Clamato extra spicy with Tabasco Worcestershire and ceaser spice served on ice with a celery stick

I got it on video. Best line ever

Right before they called the cops

I totally misread that. Back whores

Went to the Calgary tower and stood on the glass observation deck. Yeah um. I know it was safe. But stepping out on it and feeling my asshole pucker. Makes you think

Leroy Jetengine ??

Ya balanced the budget by taking he surplus from EI then jacking up the premiums and reducing the befits.

Assholes... three lines in . An error has occurred what a waste of web space we got out click bait fuck you

Bullshit we pulled out because our governments are assholes they cluster fucked every decision the first thing they is cancel any of the previous government big decisions so they can announce we are the current chosen .. our last election they promised the armed forces the money to replace broken equipment that is

I call mine the ex wife. Cuss all its good for is wasting money and you want to watch her sink

Sir I would like to come for a visit were I live Johnny red is 50 bucks black is 80 and blue we just won’t go there.. but I think my taste buds are kinda ruined I actualy like red

There is nothing wrong with being a tea drinker I drink both. But coffee has a special place in my belly for night shifts

I am a cheap guy my bean are about 10 bucks a bag and a grind right before I use and to me that is a wonderful cup of rocket fuel ... I make mine like espresso on the stove but I also can’t taste the difference in a 15 dollar bottle of wine and and 80 I also drink Johnny walker red so I qualify as a cheap date

Italian navigation system requires the use of two dummy hands. And would just talk with those

Reminds me of 2 fast 2 furious. The hemi and yanko vs the other 2. I have respect for the other 2. But when the hemi and yanko revved. That was the sound of power. On the downside the other 2 weight combined was the weight of the charger or yanko.

I could but you don't have enough security clearance

Trying to think of a comment but my brain isn't on the right wavelength

Was it a key or did they nand copy and force brute it One implies they can do it any time And the other requires some work