Forgot to to add at least they didn't follow the Canadian method buy new search and rescue helicopters realize the current ships can't fit them so built new ships to hold them and then cancel the helicopter order
Forgot to to add at least they didn't follow the Canadian method buy new search and rescue helicopters realize the current ships can't fit them so built new ships to hold them and then cancel the helicopter order
Who knows the first two hopefully can carry more f35 and Ospreys then the others and be more command then the next series. Here’s the trouble they need the ships now. And couldn’t wait for the f35 to finish trials and replace a deck it’s at least the build a new nuke carrier with out an operational Catupult system. Oh…
These are gator class not Nimitz. But I like your way of thinking. Parking a nuke Carrier 300 ft off shore saying bring it in fuckers
I would prob need a new tv window for the house and wii. And prob be in a mental facility after swat would have to come and come me down (taser)
Used to love reading batman. But so messed up now not even funny. How many times has he died and came back and given up the mantle. At least with knightfall he was sorts kinda plausible but now
Thank you awesome person that made my day
It's seems lately that the quality of proof reading has gone down hill on many sites I know I can type like shit. But in a 100 word click bait article you should get things right or at least have someone proof read it
What the duck do you mean iOS autocorrect is purfect
The Hunt for kimchi
Why do I hear the voices from the sr71 do the speed test with air traffic Ah 450 that's nice 1800. But with these planes. Ah look a 747. And the hot dogger or the freighter world is like hey watch this. 747 pilot goes home with crushed ego
Thunderstruck Gimme shelter. Paint it black. Are some good choices also. And after watching deadpool morning angel
and faster to. Even more satisfying when they go to put air in. And go wtf
So did my ex in the back seat of a mustang
My Ex wife budget for all you can eat buffets ???
Um no. Sea kings will hear is and blow a Jesus nut just to spite us.
And how much crap did SoCal dump into the atmosphere with the gas leak. A lot more than vw engines. and how are they going to fix that. Not arguing with your statements but thi blown more out of proportion than needs to be. So now cars are going to have 25% less power and require 25% more petroleum. How is this better
Dr evilish +2000
Not to complain but holy crap did someone take a gun to force you to work there.. and calling other people names is low. You want people to side with respect them. Try my job for hell.. care aid at a long term care.. family telling their loved ones call the aides for anything they are here to serve you. Family that…
Yes a ah-64e is a perfect example of a cup holder .. I wish my cup holder could fire hell fires
No we are nearing the end of the beginning. .. next comes the next chapter