Yeah, men only care about having sex with us. That’s my experience of men too!
Yeah, men only care about having sex with us. That’s my experience of men too!
Well Raper is a very common last name. Search any typical guys first name into Google followed by Raper and you will likely see at least one semi-famous person or sports star with that name. So very prevalent. But I don’t think that this fact, or any, should get in the way of a good Buzzfeed article which backs up…
Thanks for the trigger warning.
It does teach you this. Thankfully we have safe spaces like Jezebel.
Exactly. Men are harassed more in these stats but that’s not true harassment. All true harassment happens to women.
Online harassment of women is out of control. It is definitely a gender issue. I hear these arguments “oh trolling is just endemic on the internet in general as people can write anything anonymously without consequence” and “oh other studies show men are harassed in equal measures.” But that analysis forgets a couple…
You joke, to me though, this is why we need more safe spaces.
Wow, that sucks and is in fact very problematic. Jezebel should be our safe space where we can express our own ideas to one and other without challenge. This is a place of logic, reason and open debate. Not a troll hangout.
I hate that “not all men” line they always cart out. It adds layers of nuance that I simple don’t have time to sift through in my head. I come on Jezebel or Salon, I see it written more plainly. I can put things into boxes. Men harass girls online because of they are part of the patriarchy. This is problematic. Now I…
‘Porn is problematic’, never a truer word was spoken. And video games, so true, did you see that Anita Sarkeesian video (so well made and with real honesty) in which the player can drag a beat up stripper around the floor? ‘Hit man’ I think was the game. I felt faint when I saw that. Problematic levels were off the…
Yeah! They should have a special class in school for all boys to teach them that girls are not play things or plastic toys but living beings with feelings. If this kid had gone to such a class he might have grown up to be a normal man. As it is we live in a world where men think girls are disposable toys and that if…
Yeah or they will try and imply that this was a 1 in a million event when we know that girls are murdered on mass every year when prom time comes around because entitled men think they are entitled to their bodies and wont take NO for an answer.
Good idea. Saying no as a single girl puts your life in danger these days.
This case is such a classic example of the patriarchy in action. Undoubtedly people will say this is a case of 1 psychopathic child in a million, just because he showed signs of psychosis. I would rather argue that this was more the case of a level minded child but one who society taught was entitled to sex from a…
Well said. Men are worse than dogs. They are lower than rats in my eyes.
Sexual abuse, a police investigation gone cold... and now it’s about to become a college campus. So unlikely to be the last of that sadly.
Sigh, why do people cling onto this ‘innocent until proven guilty’ narrative when rape culture is so pervasive on college campuses across America and the wider world. We need to take every accusation very seriously and treat it as truth until proven otherwise, or even further, as this article has astutely done, we…
I wasn’t whining. I agree with you entirely. I am a girl and I am sorry you perceived my first message as ironic. I have no idea why. I think nearly every PhD thesis supervisor that one of my friends had in a STEM subject hit onto her on several occasions and it happened to me too. And I refused. I am sure I was…
Yeah that would be such a guy move, to be homophobic. I think more than half the guys I know are either openly or secretly homophobic.