
I imagine you’re joking but just in case, not pumping while away from a nursing baby can be incredibly painful and can lead to an infection called mastitis. It can also badly hurt your milk supply. Throwing it away before getting to the airport is also a poor option for many women who need the milk for when they are

Anecdotes? That’s where your facts come from?

But it’s not. It’s an unfounded generalization followed by a lot of facts. It’s shitty journalism. Just because you agree with it doesn’t make it true.

Among North America’s coastal elites, midwifery has become associated with finicky preferences, rigid orthodoxy, and a commitment to doing things right. Regular folks have hospital births. Folks who want to “win” at childbirth by forgoing the epidural, or who turn up their noses at chemicals that course through one’s

With her first pregnancy, we know she had severe preeclampsia and placenta accreta. I don’t know anything about her second pregnancy. But the risk of both is very high in subsequent pregnancies and she may just not want to take the risk again. I had accreta with my last pregnancy and I retained my placenta,

She retained her placenta because she had accreta. While accreta can sometimes lead to premature birth, premature birth doesn’t typically cause retained placentas. Accreta does cause retained placenta and often life threatening hemorrhaging (speaking from experience, unfortunately).

You already said I was a graduate program lecturer. No backsies!

Now I’m a lecturer in a Master’s program? What a day!

That challenge is below my pay grade. I’m a lecturer now, damn it.

4 sentences make me a lecturer? Dream accomplished!

You’re a strangely intense person who seems to have a lot invested, emotionally, in what is a silly celebrity feud. Also, I don’t eat hot dogs. So, there you go-I am certainly capable of Being straightforward about what I do and don’t like. Hamburgers for life! 

Wow, that escalated quickly. So my believing her rather tepid version of events makes me a super fan? I think the amount of offense you’re experiencing says something about your fandom. There has been more than one well-written article about Swift playing the victim card for me to “know enough” about Swift. She

I don’t have a dog in this fight but I believe Katy. Mostly because it doesn’t seem like a wild story but also because Swift is definitely that sensitive and precious. I have no doubt about that.

You hear “Ignition” at the grocery store?

Speak for yourself. I just gave birth a week ago to my second kid, retained the placenta and hemorrhaged while in the OR so they could “retrieve” it (I think I am meeting your “care” requirements?) and I can still say with adamance that I deserve to pick who gets to see me naked.

I, for one, am still shocked that the little metal person wearing a skirt door placard didn’t stop this man. Who would have guessed it carried no magical rapist repelling powers?

I didn’t kink shame, you dipshit. The lady in the back of the cab wasn’t into kink with her driver. It’s not a kink to get so drunk, you pass out and pee all over yourself. Even kink requires active consent.

Who wants to keep fucking someone who is unconscious??!! I mean, for me, sex is about mutual satisfaction. If someone is unconscious, you’re having sex, basically, with a lifeless body. It’s like having sex with a dead person. Consent should be ongoing-lasting through the entire act. This isn’t rocket science.

Is this doctored? Her hands look 15 inches long. And I have very long hands and fingers, personally, so I don’t ask this with snark. That looks alien.

I think she’ll be just fine performing in 9 or 10 days. I’m guessing she is not 7 months along. Honestly, it’s not that I am disrespecting her. I just really dislike when people paint pregnant women as disabled. I look at that picture (and the others she’s posted of her on a car and swimming) and I think-she’s