
34% African American? The truth is out there if you choose to seek it.

So - the fired employee brought the company into disrepute?

Your headline is misleading and dishonest. This policy is protecting speech - even the speech of those with whom you might disagree. The policy should be referred to as an ANTI BIGOTRY policy. The school should be applauded for the new policy. The policy is directed at the bigots that are trying to silence those with

“BLACK PEOPLE CAN’T BE........” That right there IS a RACIST STATEMENT. You can fill in the blank with ANY word or phrase you want to. It’s still a racist statement NO MATTER WHAT WORD OR PHRASE YOU FILL IN THE BLANK WITH. It’s no different than “white people are....” Asian people can’t.....”No matter how many

Black parents, ......and baby daddies. The difference?

Yeah, and Milo is not a Nazi OR a Facist.

WOW! BabyGoose, I may not agree with things someone else says. But, to knock someone OUT because of their speech? Smells like Bigotry to me! His thoughts and speech don’t make him a Bigot. Your desire to silence him make YOU the Bigot.

And you think this was sent by Trump supporters? Kind of prejudicial in your reporting?

You stated “Without the nigger—without a nigger—whiteness loses its endoskeleton and collapses into dust.” You also stated “We (collectively) are just not a part of their lives. There are no niggers in those towns.” Seems your first statement is unfounded. Otherwise, those towns should have been dust piles?