
No, Penny and Kady are going to cross paths soon. And the hate-sex is going to be epic

I really need to see the long shot of this. This is crazy

He’s just getting better with age

I feel like I should read this as a cautionary tale

The irony is that if he asked, Kanye would almost certainly say yes. And that would undoubtedly bring viewers that otherwise would not have watched.

I've been scouring comments sections to see if it's worth returning. maybe i'll let it build up on my DVR… my fear is that the first few episodes will be good, and then they'll do what they do every time and burn it all to the ground.

You cannot argue with these children.

She is the best Victoria Best.

Don't forget: I… have a feeling I'm always gonna be a little bit mad at you.

Tom Hanks copyrights his pictures of lost things?

That logo is the most Microsoft Word shit I have ever seen.

All of that "softening" was just to keep himself in the news.

I thought this was an ad, and I was thinking "how do they no my face wash? I only buy them at Walgreens?!" I really thought that ghost in the machine was coming for me!

I thought this was an ad, and I was thinking "how do they no my face wash? I only buy them at Walgreens?!" I really

Freeze your Capri Sun, scrunch it to loosen the ice, cut off the top and add vodka. viola.

That is by far, my favorite Simpsons clip.

Brendan Fraser reminds me of Christopher Walken in that neither never says no to a role (I feel I read somewhere that this is Walken's MO) no matter how ill-suited they are for it. Which makes for some really great comedic and dramatic roles and well as a lot of WTF-ery.

She was the hero of this film

I hadn't heard of this movie before going to see it. Not halfway through it, I thought to myself: this is a movie written by men. I also felt that Mila and Kristen were weirdly young compared to the rest of the cast and kind of "out matched" by the other actors. Mila especially, as the reviewer notes. I thought it

The website! The website to make your own fabric?!?!

I'm practically dead right now. My friend's parents in Macon are voting for trump because "bengazi"!!! and she refuses to vote b/c she thinks it doesn't matter. That's all my hair you see ripped out on the floor.