
All in favor?

James Cameron going back in time to right the wrongs of this franchise > going back in time to destroy Skynet

Let me be the first to tell you that you entirely missed the joke about the dolphins being really bad at football. 

6oz glass pour = 4.5 glasses in a bottle. When I price wine, a glass costs what I paid for the bottle, and the bottle is priced at 4 glasses or slightly less. This gives .5-1 glass extra if you buy the bottle, for the convienence of me not having to deal with an open bottle that can turn before it gets sold.

I was going to say CP, but looking at the ad, its down to $2500, and having personally had work done by Kadunza as well, its a definite NP for me.

They should just have the Swiss ambassador next door kicked out of the country.

Reading comprehension is key.  They do not say they want to use it Aug. 30th, they simply want responses and all potential submissions for use by the 30th.  5 month turn around to the subterannean challenge seems about right.

Fuck Taboola and your auto play video ads

At somepoint soon, a batter is going to see a passed ball and take a step towards first, then think better of it. Can he be tagged out at the plate since he “started to steal”? Does he need to step on the plate?

For me, it would be because you work for door dash. The restaurant I work for had to try for months and eventually threaten legal action to be removed from Door Dash’s website. Many restaurants they deliver for are not “partners” and they had extremely shady ways of trying to order to keep us from knowing who it was

12.5 oz capacity is ridiculous.  That wouldn’t even get me to my car before I needed a refill. 

12.5 oz capacity is ridiculous.  That wouldn’t even get me to my car before I needed a refill. 

No mention of the fact that the restaurant deleted 3 hours of security video footage from when he was there drinking?  People might think this is a money grab, but “dram shop” laws exist for this.  If you don’t like those laws, work to get them changed.

I’m hoping Daniel Bryan has said the same to Vince

You say all that shit, like you want us to think you REALLY do your research, but you are willing to overpay for wheels you can barely stomach instead of buying aftermarket ones? Also, you are buying a dodge durango?

As a restaurant manager, I probably only get a “Karen” once out of every 50 times I am requested. Luckily, the majority of the time it is for something positive. The other times, the customer has a legitimate issue that I do my best to correct or make it up to them.  If you are not willing to speak up when you are

and some people, like me, want nothing more than to correct a problem you have, which is impossible to do unless you bring it up while you are there. I work in a highly rated restaurant, but issues still happen all the time. As a manager, my job is primarily to mitigate these problems and make it up to the customer

While I usually hate this line, this guy at least stated first that it was in fact an inappropriate comment. Taken together, it’s a little better that “sorry if you were offended”

Director of the MMTRDNOAAFSFSC.  I wanna see that business card

Can somebody please re-gray the idiot?

When do we hear about the measles outbreak on the train?