
“And I apologize if the woman took offense.”

Precisely. It’s a not apology that puts the onus entirely on the person who was offended. Because that’s just the way he is—it’s not his fault that “you’re” offended.

“just look at her...she was asking for it.

Say it with me now:

He also said harassment claims were “overblown,” that he has a “flirty” personality, and also that the woman Skiddler was sticking up for was wearing “a really, really, really revealing top,” which prompted him to comment on it.

This might have something to do with it

Yes, but how many of them are trolls? I just feel that humans are NOT good at dealing with vast numbers of people. We just aren’t adapted to it. Until quite recently, the average human lived in a small, communal group. Now, in the blink of an eye, we are connected to billions. And we haven’t adapted. So the question

Yeah, I’ve reached the conclusion that theunintended’ part isn’t the movement’s existence, but its sheer amplitude. I feel the fact that the resulting animation doesn’t look particularly good or titillating backs that up.

This is absolutely an unintended interaction between meshes in a game that is constantly getting new items and only has enough QA coverage to make sure it’s 90% bug free. They might even have unit tests for checking all the dances on every single content drop... but it’s hard to force your QA staff to do that forever.

I hadn’t actually considered the polution via metals, I only thought about oil, gas etc

Its an environmental hazard none the less.

Truth. This guy is a textbook hoarder. He had so many cars he didn’t even know what kind of shape they were in. It looks like for the most part the don’t even move.  I wonder how many of the were registered?  Winterized?  On battery tenders?  What once might have been a car collection is a collection of scrap metal. I

Hi David, this has nothing to do with what you see.

A pile of shit leaking god knows what is not a collection.

Cars standing outside decaying leak shit into the ground. Get rid of that crap, there’s enough poisons in the earth already as it is, we don’t need any more because of cantankerous hoarding old men.

It's not out of sight of the watershed.

A dozen cars in a yard could be a collection. At 70+ years old, this was a hoard of neglected cars. How many had he managed to restore to running condition and sell in the last 5 years? How many more junkets did he acquire in the time period? I sympathize with the crazy 20 cars a month stipulation but it was a hoard.

Yeah i can empathize with him, because I have very similar tendencies, but he’s just like a cat hoarder. He thinks he is helping these cars, saving them from ruin, but actually because he spread himself too thin, he was ensuring their demise, and harming his community. Really glad he has improved his perspective. To

So many people suggesting throwing in modern motors.

The relative numbers between PR and Houston are bad. But the real numbers are just as bad. Both of those totals are criminally inadequate.