
I guess you could infer from his statement that he just doesn’t feel apologetic about the plagiarism. Apparently this “review style” is somewhat of a modus operandi for him, when I look at the Fifa and Metroid cases. If I would look generous at his case, maybe he is just too incompetent of a reviewer to realize that

of course you think it’s terrible. the whole M.O. of you and people like you is to stifle the people and voices you don’t agree with. it’s literally fascism to prevent a voice from being heard because you disagree with it.

As this article was written, I wonder if David sensed a great disturbance in the farce...

I always find these articles ironic, since lifehacker and its sister sites are loaded with trackers. 31 on this page alone. Maybe I need to check the European version...

What is worse is MS offered to help them get the game ready for XB1 and they mostly refused the help. When the money started pouring in in the first few months of the PC version, they should of definitely hired more people to fix the bugs and expand while the game was generating so much buzz. Instead, a polished

Ultimately, this just makes Blue Hole look pathetic.

this has nothing to do with the conversation really, but seeing 8bit theater Thief talk about politeness makes me laugh

Originally they were going to make it more punitive by forcing the game to always give you Miramar, but decided it was pointless since the game already pretty much does that on its own.

In High School it was TI-83/6 games. I was one of the top Tetris players, but super jealous of some of the other games people had.
I also spent a lot of time trying to write a D&D character generation program. I think it was going fine, but then I learned C++ and just went to that.

Tetris on a laptop with a built-in feature to hide the game by slapping the space-bar.

Oh god so many things were banned in my school. Slap bracelets, hoodies, pagers(yeah it was that long ago)...they would have banned calculators if we didn’t need ‘em.

when I was at school it was snes emulators and worm games.

My middle school had a mini ‘shop’ class where we would take strips of coloured plastic and heat the ends to curve them into little finger boards that would inevitably get confiscated. It got so bad that they had to lock up the supply :(

We had pogs. Look how far we’ve come lol

For me, it was Pokémon, even if I didn’t give a shit about it back then.

For me it was Pogs, so many Pogs!

Yeah those lunchtime Wall Crawler races were intense. That’s where I learned what Over/Under meant.

Jeff Zucker and CNN as a whole, deserve to burn in hell. He gave Trump millions of dollars of free air time to give his entire stump speeches, unedited. Then when he realizes that he can’t stop the monster he created he offers a half hearted “Aww jeez, maybe that wasn’t a good thing we done did.” And people now view

That’s not to say that it can’t work - but you need a decent displacement engine, like 1.8-2.0L, and a boost that doesn’t kick in until higher revs, and then you can get some benefit and not distort the tested MPGs so much.