
If we all ignored the assholes at the NRA and their talking points because posts like this made us realize what bullshit they shovel? Everyone.

Didn’t you hear, only blue lives matter (when jingoistic conservative assholes want the support of small minded cowardly voters)

Good for them. I support this, and now I have to look this chain up so when I am near one I can go watch a film there...

Love the amount of replies bitching that she doesn’t look right somehow...

More and more I am wondering why I did so much work to get my degree. So many of these conservatives who hate intellect seem to have degrees for doing fuck all...

I suspect that we don’t, otherwise people would be more confident trump won’t last the year...

This. I mean, I am not a lawyer, but in any rational universe this tweet ends his presidency...

Or, just hear me out, what if we had the nuclear reaction out away from the planet, where it was safe, hear me out! Like way out in space. Maybe have the reaction a safe distance from us. And then developed some way to harvest the power long distance. Like if the energy was transmitted by some less harmful method.

This is the part that pisses me off. I am an atheist, I teach (among other things) world religion, I have philosophy degrees, I know a tiny bit about these faiths,and I have serious legitimate issues with Islam. It (like most faiths, I grant you) has severe problems in its current incarnation and needs to be critiqued

Because as we all know, if you are Muslim, wearing a head covering of any kind, and in the south in public, that is exactly where you start criticizing America out loud...

I plan on reporting every trump supporter I see to this hotline. Clearly they are pod people.

Honestly, the Kardashian family is the only thing more worthless than religion. Lets put them together and hope they destroy each other.

Funny, I was thinking I must be old, because when the article said “Jay Z pulled all his music..” my first thought was “did he pull his whole catalogue too? Because I am unaware of any ‘music’ that he has made.”

The same way the tRump administration says they looked into it and Don the Con is totally not violating the constitution?

Right? If I make a list of the 100 worst things this admin has done and I am up for a fight over, this doesn’t even get into the running.

...and a whole 2-3 months of privacy is all you worthless American idiots need, now shut up and take what the orange dicktator says you are going to take and enjoy it. We know you like it, or you would struggle harder. Take what you deserve little bitch voters...

Why do you think this will matter? Do you think anyone will actually do anything about this? America is done. The experiment failed. Get out while you can.

If you could find his micropenis past his gut and a layer of badly tailored pants, it would be because of the strategic use of tamp, gauze, toothpicks, and the same orange spray on shit covering his puckering..... mouth.

No, it will not be means tested. That is literally the point.

What is your support for “significant portion wouldn’t bother finding a job?” I am only curious because when it has been tested it actually encouraged more people to get jobs than the current safety net.