@awer25: You win.
@awer25: You win.
Skonk works!!
@SeattleTed is proud to like Robert Zimmerman: Keep not thinking, because I don't think any of us laymen want to know. I know I don't.
"Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please."
@Mr.P1ckl3s: FedEx charges out the ass, UPS isn't any better. Believe me.
@CAVEperson: Thanks, man. Really helping my self esteem here.
hoome theeeaatre....
@A-hole: Aww...I feel so...blooded? Ew.
@Rhainor: Hehe I'm sure there's more variations...that line freaks people out when they hear it... "WTF? That dude is one crazy MFer...talking about blowing right through the ground and it doesn't even faze him."
@A-hole: I try to make every comment count. :P
@redfood: Bingo. I like to think I have those kinds of nerves...
@A-hole: But hilarious, sir! I have filled the heart under your avatar with red.
It's amazing how strong the body is when the muscles are relaxed...
@FredicvsMaximvs: I'm talking a party of multiple people doing the same act...not the opposite sides. Like, having 2 people group beating some guy's ass, then they might split the "responsibility" per se, but not both beaters, and the beatee.
That percent responsible shit kills me...you're either responsible or you're not. Multiple people in a party responsible, I could see splitting it. But telling the company they're 15% responsible? Wtf?