
He also didn’t vaccinate his son.

So they finally found the tape... in a box that contained the investigation records. In literally the first place anyone would think to look for it. But it’s been missing for 24 years? Gosh, it’s almost like they weren’t really looking for it.

I’m pretty sure I read that he and Jessica Biel are anti-vaxxers, so there’s that?

Same as how the NYPD didn’t follow through after they got the recording of Weinstein bullying Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. 

One of my friends brought up the sexual abuse allegations today.


I think the Bryan Singer shit is about to go down (allegedly, a large pedophile ring that involves many Hollywood stars and victims), and the LAPD has historically been paid off to turn a blind eye.

I’m talking only about the Woody Allen movie. And you’re right, I’ve lost respect for many an actor/actress who continues to work with him. But this particular item was about Justin and his “woke” quote, which seriously, sooooo much of this lately in Hollywood lately. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

It’s especially disgusting because testing those kits is like mining a gold mine. Not only is there a chance you’ll be able to catch a rapist but if that’s not an attractive enough possibility, the tests have turned up repeat offenders so the cops could get lifetime convictions and not just Brock Turner slaps on the

The only scenario I can come up with is some right-thinking cop managed to smuggle the tape out of the precinct before it was destroyed and held onto it, hoping the day would come where it would be safe for it to be “suddenly found” in the “misfiled” drawer.

Fuck JT. Seriously, every time I see that Wonder Wheel trailer (which is basically every time I’ve been to the movies in the past few weeks), I get queasy.

Man, he sounds like a tool every time he speaks.

The rape kit backlog is a disgusting systemic failure. But finding this tape is important for victims too.

It’s no wonder his life was in shambles. I wonder who-all got rich from the payoffs to file those tapes away and forget them.

Not even no one was listening . . . they called him a liar and vilified him in public. Corey at least has thousands of supporters. It breaks my heart that this happens ALL THE TIME to women and men who don’t have the public backing or financial power to continue the fight.

He literally named names to the police and they did nothing! That’s infuriating.

Let me get this straight, they had that info for, in essence, 25 YEARS now.........and NOW they’s admitting to having it?!

I’m so happy for Corey. To me, he’s like the Rose McGowan of the boy set. He kept crying out, and no one was listening.

*puzzled* What is this leftover cheese of which you speak?

I always want to make fromage fort, but every time I go to do it, I end up just eating the cheese scraps.