Electioneering in a church? A church with tax-exempt status?
Electioneering in a church? A church with tax-exempt status?
This explains his ratings sinking like a stone. Hos attempts at political humor fall flat and the rest is likeca sketch from 25 years ago. Just tired material. (It also explains why I dvr Colbert and Kimmel every night for early am viewing. They have something to say. Fallon, um, doesn’t.)
Jill Zarin from The Real Housewives of New Jersey is “astounded” by the doctors who are treating her husband Bobby’s cancer.
Y’know how some things really stick in your head forever? I remember the Bette Midler interview from its original airing, and for 26 years, whenever I’ve seen or even heard references to Geraldo Rivera, my mind goes straight to her description of that attack. It’s just that gross.
“For my final project I made a collage of supermodels to showcase unrealistic beauty standards for women.”
So Jimmy Kimmel sent an employee down here to Theodore for Roy Moore’s fundraising thing last night. He was kicked out after heckling Moore, which I thought was hilarious, but the locals are piiiiisssed. They’re like “He disrespected a CHURCH! This is the worst thing to ever happen, ever!” The irony of their standing…
Look at this sexist bullshit.
I know! What a shocker that he “HADN’T HEARD” all those “DISTUBING STORIES” from all those victimized women!!! He’s obviously sooooo good at having those conversations!
And, much like Joe Scarborough, they think they can get through class by being contrarian and difficult and domineering rather than doing the readings and homework.
It is wonderful, but Moore’s tweets still make me boil with rage.
Or maybe Geraldo should be fucking fired like the rest of the pervert squad.
I think some men get genuinely angry when they find out women studies classes are really just dry, boring academic lectures/discussions with lots of social science research.
And, despite Megan’s squeamishness to call a thing by its true name, THAT IS MANSPLAINING. It’s fuckin Mansplaining 101 up there fachrissakes.
I think it’s no coincidence that the “that guy” in class is basically always literally a guy.
Stephen Colbert has his “show” persona but he’s pretty mellow in interviews. I’m sure Joe raises his voice for effect, but his steamrolling over others, particularly Mia, is too well done to be an act. Since most talk shows are run by men, it’s a possibility that he’s respecting another man’s “territory” by toning it…
A good lesson to teach boys at a young age: You don’t have to talk. Not saying anything and remaining silent is an option.
WTF conversation did he think they were having instead? The type of salad they’d be having for lunch? Shoe shopping?
Maybe men could shut the fuck up for ten seconds.
“Let me finish,” he says, cutting her off. “Because we need to have this conversation.”
That woman’s not going to marry him. She’s already got the chin down gazing into the distance WTF look on her face I didn’t develop till Year 3. She still has time to get out.