
I wonder if this is why I don’t like Sriracha when everyone else seems to think it’s the best hot sauce ever. I feel it has a really weird after taste. I also don’t drink alcohol at all and its because I think it all tastes terrible rather than some other reason.

He did blame them.

Acceptable: “I used my position of power over these women’s careers to abuse, frighten and humiliate them and I am very sorry.”


I thought this was going to be informative and to my surprise it was condescending ha

Narcissist’s Creed ‘apologies’ -

He still didn’t say “I’m sorry” though so it’s a little hollow IMO.

Another non-apology with careful word choices like “admiration” instead of admitting power over someone’s career. What a load of bullshit.

Yeah, it’s like “Dude, you don’t get credit for admitting you were a total shit stain. You were and are a total shit stain. The end.”

Nearly until he mentioned how these women idolized him...

People need to note that he doens’t “apologize”.

The fact that he’s smarter than your typical abuser and better at crafting an apology designed to curry favor with the masses than most doesn’t make me any more likely to forgive. Quite the opposite, the calculated quality here makes his transgressions all the more egregious. He should have known better, he did know

I can get behind this. I’m a supertaster, which caused no end of dismay with my mom when I was a kid and she’d try to feed me beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc. I’ve never been a “fan” of beer, although I will drink it to sustain a buzz once I’ve reached it through other means. Weirdly, my favorites are Miller

Supertaster here and I totally agree about mango! I can’t stand them.

I just think its more like smoking for me. I didn’t do it when I was younger, so the idea doesn’t make sense to me now. I’m not going to force myself to like beer, I have only tasted a few that weren’t flat out disgusting, and I couldn’t finish those. Besides, if I want alcohol, why not do something with a higher %

I am a supertaster, but I’ve nonetheless grown to appreciate a variety of beers. It’s not that they don’t all taste very bitter, but just that I’ve learned to tolerate the bitterness, and actually enjoy the notes behind it. That said, I don’t think I’ll ever come around on sour beers. Gross. IPAs are my least

It’s not a humblebrag. You have no idea how gross and annoying it is to be able to tell when someone three seats down on the train hasn’t properly wiped their ass.

The good sense of smell is annoying. I didn’t know until I was about 25 that most people don’t smell nearly every human they come into contact with.

Came to say the same thing, basically. I’ve always been a super picky eater, cannot abide the taste of hops, took a long time of force-drinking to learn to love coffee (and still load it with milk or cream, and prefer low-acid methods of brewing).

I might be a super taster - I don’t like IPAs at all. I do have an excellent sense of smell, too, and it’s sometimes really annoying.