My cat Bernard was prescribed anti-anxiety meds for carrier situations. I’m pretty sure he would try to murder me if I tried to make him go in this thing.
My cat Bernard was prescribed anti-anxiety meds for carrier situations. I’m pretty sure he would try to murder me if I tried to make him go in this thing.
I read that. One of the moms gets a call from her son, he says “I’m in trouble.” Her FIRST instinct is to say, “I told you to keep it zippered,” but she knows he’s not a rapist (meaning that she doesn’t care) and the girl is wrong blah blah blah.
I just said to my husband, OF COURSE it’s Republican Moms okaying campus rape & slut shaming.
cats looking at the world in wonder through bubble boy cat backpacks
Plus: None of those cats looked remotely happy about being enclosed in a plastic bubble. I bet they were tranked.
They picked something normal looking just so people can’t point it out like if they did the full on “Roman salute” (which is what they call their little nazi salute so they can deny its racist and claim its a symbol of free speech).
Same! I had to read that like 6 times before I was sure I wasn’t having a mini-stroke.
You did not illustrate the cat backpack story with cat pictures. IS THIS EVEN THE INTERNET ANYMORE?
No, you are wrong. You should have taken that F you got in crim pro as evidence you don’t know anything.
I find it hilarious that he’s suing her and the basis of his claim is that she wanted a DA that would prosecute Cosby. That was his fucking job.
None of them thought he would ever not be DA while Cosby was alive.
Out of the greys with this... Cannot emphasize this enough! VOTE, my dear bitches! Vote even in the stupid little local and municipal elections, because they matter more than you can imagine.
This is a reminder of why you always vote, even in local elections. Castor lost by only 17,000 votes, and tons of races for mayors and state reps are decided by even fewer votes.
So a woman is raped...files a criminal complaint...the DA refuses to prosecute...she campaigns against him in the next election to try and have her rapist brought to justice...and he sues her because he lost the election.
Normally I would say that this dude is Streisand-effecting the fuck out of himself by suing her, but in Trump’s America I don’t know what to think anymore and I just want to curl up and die.
It was already part of what cost him his job, he is no longer DA. Voters got tired of it all.
Diana, your coverage of the Cosby Nightmare has been excellent. I hope they are paying you well, both in cash and in wine.
Philadelphia resident here. Bruce Castor is a fucking snake, and he always has been. This isn’t surprising. He was always for sale to the highest bidder and it’s increasingly obvious that Cosby was the highest bidder.