
So let’s let more illegal immigrants and untrainable refugees with no understanding of the landscape or culture of our country keep flowing in, right?

Ugh, another day another Uber hit piece. At least this time the Sponsored Lyft post didn’t appear two articles below like last time, as if to obliterate any illusion of objectivity Gizmodo may have. What’s more, one has to wonder if these articles would be so frequent and vitriolic had the company not come out as a

Just imagine if Amazon drones had been around to deliver the Galaxy Note 7's. I’d have considered them weaponized...

I understand it quite well. The whole concept was that if you use it, it’s *over*, but that doctrine really only applied to the geopolitical situation during the cold war where two opposing nation states were the ones with the bulk of the weapons. For the better part of the last 20 years, we were able to relax and not

I concur 100%, and especially on the delivery systems. Russia and China are both rapidly developing advanced anti-ballistic defense systems along with more advanced ballistic missile systems. Those actually have better decoy and in-flight evasion and path adjustment technology, at least better than what we have

Agreed. Especially when I’m trying to read “tech” stuff over on Gizmodo, and they cross post all this shit. We get it. You guys hate Trump. Keep this crap within the blog it came from. No need to cross post a trump nuke blog post to a technology site. ugh!!

What we need, and this is a terrible thing to have to say, is enough weaponry that we can still guarantee an aggressor nation that even if they can shoot down 90% of our arsenal, that last ten percent will wipe them from the Earth.

An article acccusing Trump of knowing nothing about Nuclear weapons, written by someone who clearly just read about them yesterday on Wikipedia.

I come to Jalopnik to see cool photos and pictures of automobiles; read interesting and clever articles about automobiles; peruse equal parts snarky, knowledgeable, and funny comments about automobiles; and write my own rarely knowledgeable, occasionally funny, and aspiring-to-be-snarky comments about automobiles. Oh,

Had the driver obeyed Uber’s Rules we could be dealing with yet another robbery gone wrong with an Uber driver and passenger dead. And there would be even more outcry for “look at how dangerous guns are”

Comment of the motherfucking day right here. You nailed it. No one in this liberalistic sea of insanity called Gizmodo will admit it but you fucking nailed it.

The tech companies are only part of the problem and certainly not the bulk of the problem. Want to know what the real problem is? It’s the transplants from the east. Young people (hipsters) are moving here in large numbers because it’s the cool place to live. They know it’s expensive, they know they can’t afford it,

Maybe next time you should nominate a woman who’s not under FBI investigation, just to be safe.

This is fair, so long as they also allow the US to do scientific torpedo research on Japanese whaling ships. We can even promise to submit a peer reviewed paper.

Spending $1k/mo to air condition a house sounds like something’s wrong there.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Another thought is that people naturally want to make sure they control and can see the money they’re spending put to good use (rather than seeing it go in the black box of another charity).

I... I'm sorry, George. Is there no editing process? Do these articles have to get shot directly onto the page within seconds of your deadline? How long could it possibly take to edit less than a page of copy?

As someone who actually works in the field of software, hardware, and silicon, there’s no Captain Obvious to me here.