
Agreed! Huge! Elon has successfully toppled the glad-handing that was occurring between ULA and US military officials. It’s good to see results winning over cronyism. And all to help get us to Mars!!

I am sure the ground forces who need close air support will thank you for the stand off weapon only approach.... NOT

You’re right. But Europeans riot in the street if you try to cut their social welfare by 3%. You’re going to convince them to build aircraft carriers? Good luck with that one.

That doesn’t explain why the EU—which is just as economically powerful as the US and has just as much stake in safe sea lanes—fields so few carriers. We don’t have to be the only guys keeping the world safe.

The RIO did say that they were locked up by the MiGs at one point.

Hamas, the organization that vows a second hollocaust, spends every penny of the aid money and every ounce of concrete they get from israel to rebuild homes and create infrastructure, on terror tunnels and rockets from Iran, is controlled by Israel?

“Iran now has cruise-missile tech along with the stealth tech we managed to crash there a few years ago.”

Battlebots.....ON THE MOON!!! The winner will be the team that has the foresight to attach a circular saw to the front of their rover!

Our country, in all of its infinite wisdom, has made it illegal for Medicare/Medicaid to negotiate pricing with drug manufacturers. The single largest purchaser of drugs in the world is not allowed to negotiate pricing. It’s an astonishingly broken system. Don’t even get me started on the whole “you can only buy

Nope. I’m using THIS:

Totally I've always said this. And everyone needs access to live stream of the fight.

It would be like trying to run your condensing unit inside your house and saying that it works.

I dunno, its pretty ingenious so far as assassinations go.
If it was more spectacular then wouldn’t that have defeated the whole point?

Unfortunately one has to expect the occasional launch failure. That’s the first loss of a Falcon 9, but the first 17 launches successfully delivered payload - which isn’t bad, considering most launch vehicles have a failure in their first three flights and Falcon 9 has only been flying since 2010. A perfect

No there isn’t, stop perpetuating that stupid saying. Even so, it doesn’t apply to this situation at all.

Most of the time the launch goes flawlessly. It’s the landing (a totally new thing that nobody has done) that they’re still working on. And to be fair, they’ve gotten really close to sticking the landing, and the last two times it failed, it was for different reasons.

There are two types of lease that I am aware of. One is a straight up lease like you would get with a car. You pay X amount for Y time and during that time you get the aircraft, you are required to keep the aircraft up and you return it at the end of the lease at which point it gets sold to a third world country. You

Huh? Cluster bombs have been ridiculously effective, that’s why they’ve been employed so heavily and the military has been so reluctant to get rid of them.

Given that the Marines have the UH-1, MV-22 and CH-53s they don’t have a homogeneous air transport force. They diversify platforms by having different mission areas (light, medium and heavy lift).