
Hamas, the organization that vows a second hollocaust, spends every penny of the aid money and every ounce of concrete they get from israel to rebuild homes and create infrastructure, on terror tunnels and rockets from Iran, is controlled by Israel?

“Iran now has cruise-missile tech along with the stealth tech we managed to crash there a few years ago.”

Totally I've always said this. And everyone needs access to live stream of the fight.

I dunno, its pretty ingenious so far as assassinations go.
If it was more spectacular then wouldn’t that have defeated the whole point?

There are two types of lease that I am aware of. One is a straight up lease like you would get with a car. You pay X amount for Y time and during that time you get the aircraft, you are required to keep the aircraft up and you return it at the end of the lease at which point it gets sold to a third world country. You

Huh? Cluster bombs have been ridiculously effective, that’s why they’ve been employed so heavily and the military has been so reluctant to get rid of them.

Given that the Marines have the UH-1, MV-22 and CH-53s they don’t have a homogeneous air transport force. They diversify platforms by having different mission areas (light, medium and heavy lift).

Chatham Harrison’s reply below is a well put and accurate answer, although it remains a partial one. The total answer is in a long time coming, always half-done white elephant post of mine called Netcentric Warfare 2.0. I want to finish it once and for all this summer. But just a few things to add to Chatham’s post-

Which seems to be opposite of the US. We need it to be perfect, doesn’t need to be working.

People seem to be getting into a hysteria about Russia supertank which supposedly has super passive and active armor, a super gun, super electronics and a 1500hp engine. Passive armor it might have, active armor requires great electronics which Russia does not have, a super gun requires excellent foundry skill which

Yet the rest of the world, including Israel, keeps manufacturing new tanks...

“Still, the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” has never been more relevant than in the Middle East today. Iran’s growing influence in the region, along with the reality of a nuclear armed Iran setting in with many of the Sunni Arab Gulf States, have made Israel’s strategic priorities eerily in-line with

Tyler, how about an article on the incredible composition of a Carrier Strike Group? Preferably, one out of NBC (1 or 9)! Please!! :-D

I posted this to Gawker, but I am pretty sure I am still greyed out there so I will post it again here.

No matter how many times it happens, I am still flabbergasted that people could be driven on a suicidal murderous rampage because somebody drew a cartoon of their flying spaghetti monster.

Damn! Those guys are huge as FUCK!!!

Shoooot. I missed the Ask Lifehacker thread earlier, so I'll just put this here, in case anyone can help... it's torrent-client-related.