can someone explain how leasing works in the military? i hear about it all the time, but i dont actually understand how it works for weapons.
can someone explain how leasing works in the military? i hear about it all the time, but i dont actually understand how it works for weapons.
i agree with you, but there is a difference between regular ordinance and cluster bombs in the amount of munitions that don’t blow up when needed, you may have hundreds of unexploded munitions in a few mile radius that act like mines while other weapons have a higher likelihood of working. so if there is a way to…
the question is if the marines need to have a homogeneous air transport force or it can have a blend of aircraft. and as it seems (from the little knowledge i have) it seems that they marines want one aircraft to do all of the mission sets (if they could they would have the F35 move troops). on paper it seems a smart…
the problem with your thinking is that there is no end to mission capability demands. we can spend a billion dollars on a system and it still wont meet our mission capability demands. you can have it fly 1000 miles and you will find a mission that you need 1010 miles, we need to decide how much we can spend on the…
people are saying that the American military is shrinking and that they should stop this trend, i on the other hand think this is a good thing. i don’t get why the american people should be subsidizing their allies defense when their allies don’t even spend close to what the US dos on defense (per capita). just…
we have a long history of seeing good weapons on paper but crappy production models. lets wait a few years until we decide if its a good weapon.
perfect at not working!
read somewhere that they decided to stop developing fighter aircraft because ground to air missiles where to good... we are still developing aircraft that can still kick any ground to air missiles ass any day.
we are planing on sending our prototypes to fight wars!!!
the joke is lost in translation, it says “eeeeeeexcited to see you”
i like the idea that soldiers/sailors have to pay for there meal. the army/navy/air-force should pay the solder the price of the meal in the mess hall and the soldier should be allowed to decide if he wants to spend the money on a meal, where ever he wants and if he doesn’t want to eat he has more money to spend on…
i think they would rather not kill there soldiers for cool effects...
The question shouldn’t be how he feels when someone burns the flag, the question should be how he acts when someone burns your countries flag. most people that are patriots would hate the people burning your flag but they wont go out of there way to kill the people burning the flag. there are Muslims that think that…
What's nice about a cheap and simple COIN aircraft is that you don't need many when not at war because when you do need them you can make a lot in a short time. All the US needs is to maintain a small production and development line so that they don't lose their technical knowledge and construct the facilities to…
my problem isn't that they want to faze out the A-10 its more that they are trying to sell the F35 as a multitask aircraft that can do anything.
the A-10 is an old aircraft and most of its missions can be accomplished by UAV's and UCAV's. but if you want to stay with an A-10 type aircraft there is no point in starting…
that's why tankers don't let infantry on there tanks, they tend to fall off for the dumbest reasons. just getting on and off the tank is hazardous to them.
so what do they drop? white flags?
i think that the Rafael is one of the prettiest combat jets out there.
Egypt should be buying more ground support aircraft than fighter jets, something like the supertucano witch is cheap to buy cheap to fly and cheap to maintain.
you cant compare the ships now to the ones in the 1920's... you have to compare the size and capability of the US navy compared to navy's it will need to wage war against. and as of now china is building up its navy at a breathtakingly fast pace. the US cant decide to build up its forces when its already out matched…
who is trying to topple secular governments? its easier to deal with dictatorships than democratic powers, i know, look at Turkey for example they used to be a secular pro Israel government now they are a radicalized anti Israel government. so i cant think of any western government that is trying to topple these…
you think that because it looks stable its stable? its a dictatorship the people of Jordan will want to have the power of leadership in their hands. its a matter of time until they do it, and it would be like it is in Syria it will start as a peoples revolution and end as ISIS.