
that's why the Israelis decided at the end not to buy the LCS. they wanted a corvette/frigates that had more capabilities then the Saar 5 corvette. at the beginning of the talks with the united states it was thought that they could add such weapon system to the LCS but later it was decided that it would be to costly

I think the US should stop subsidizing the European defense! as long as the European countries spend less then the US on there defense i don't see why the US should still keep forces there. if you look at the military spending per GDP you will see that the US spends around 4% of there GDP on defense while in Europe

there are people that cant smell that would love to have such a breathalyzer .

it isn't simpler to knock out the railways, what you are saying is akin to knocking out the sea to take out the subs.
Russia has an extensive railway network that traverses all of Russia. and no one strike can take out the whole network before the railway missile launchers launch there missiles.

well you have to understand how governments and organization orchestrate wars nowadays. it starts with creating an enemy by alienating them and there ideology, this process starts years before the official conflict. you will see the media outlets broadcasting propaganda explaining why the enemy is an enemy, so by the

ill get excited when the thing starts working, there are so many promises that i stopped getting excited when i hear of a news release. hope it works though.

after an Islamic terror attack like this you would see an uprising of Muslims in America and Europe. The terrorist organizations would try to make as much havoc so they could create there Islamic states/ caliphate in the Middle East and Europe and if they can try to make one in the states.

why don't they use drones for the task they excel at? they can loiter for hours and can rain down bombs/missiles at extreme accuracy and for cheaper then fighter jets and helicopters.

Just so you know Israel doesn't have any problems helping out in this conflict, but there are countries that would have a problem with Israel participating in this conflict like Saudi Arabia, turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE and Kuwait. all those countries are supporting the coalition operations in Syria and

fact is you are one of those 20% ,why don't you donate all your money to save people around the world. people love to throw there ideology about the unfairness of the world while they do nothing they preach. they say rich people should donate there money to the poor of the world but they forget that the meaning "Rich"

I agree Ebola is scary mainly because the media made it so. there is no reason to spend more money then regular on a rare disease that may save 10,000 people (more then that die from starvation/car accidents around the world) as we can see there are already company's that are developing cures for Ebola and we don't

merkava 2 tank

I'm insulted to read that you wrote that a tin can of an APC is a tank!!!

its not about making a perfect defense system its about increasing the odds that the round wont penetrate. true it probably is harder to defeat a KP round but if you plan on making a system that can defeat all threats 100% of the time then you get the F-35 type of program that is to expensive and take to much time to

here in Israel 3rd party billing is turned off by default, i think the government forced cellphone providers to do that by law. also bills have to be short and understandable by law.

in most cases the cost of production, management and transportation surpass the cost of the materials. look at any cellphone, the price of the materials in the phone is nothing compared to the price of the phone itself.

you guys have to understand that it isn't ikea that is sewing her its probably the law firm that ikea haired to "protect" ikea interest. These law firms sue with out thinking about PR.

schools should't allow un-vaccinated kids to go to schools.

No, it only works for cars

im just guessing, but I think they dont want to deal with flat tires