
Aside: I’m a Seattle person. Ari Hoffman, the host of the radio show, is a local Trump-y conservative who ran for city council and lost. He is very invested in the “Seattle is dying” from crime and homelessness narrative and only leaked this stuff to support his position, not to expose Schultz. One of the Seattle Starb

I worked in a Starbucks briefly during college. There was a guy there who had some kind of a learning disability but he was an honest, loyal guy and a really hard worker - honestly a MUCH better worker than a minimum wage coffee shop deserved. He worked there for years, slaving away for minimum wage + free bag of

Not just mistakes - Karens go ballistic over issues that have literally nothing to do with the frontline employees who don’t set the policies or control what’s in inventory. They’ll use minimum wage workers as literal punching bags to voice their disagreements with mask requirements, for example.

Here’s a radical idea from years ago:

Okay, but when I worked at a Starbucks in Santa Cruz like 20 years ago there were homeless people shitting on the floor of the bathroom and washing their clothes in the toilet. Guess who had to clean that up? The employees. Guess who successfully lobbied to close the bathroom to the public? The employees. Does that

“It has shocked me that one of the primary concerns that our retail partners have is their own personal safety,”

Elon Musk’s father just told The Sun that his 35-year-old stepdaughter quietly gave birth to their (!) second (!) child in 2019.

If a woman’s right to privacy and reproductive health care isn’t a right, neither is privacy for someone dining in a past-its-prime steakhouse who just stripped women of said rights.  

“she was a model”

If you choose to take on the power to make decisions that affect the well-being of hundreds of millions of people, this is the sort of public accountability that is, and should be, the price of that freedom, at least in a free society. Especially when the powerful position you’re in is shielded from any other kind of

Laughed so hard at “Applebees for people who tuck their shirts in.”  But, yeah, fuck off with your right to privacy Kavanaugh. 

Yes, so many stories like that. The most interesting one in my family was a mail order bride. She was one of many siblings on a farm in Sweden. On his deathbed, her father made her oldest brother (who would inherit the farm) swear to take care of his mother and unmarried sisters. That promise lasted precisely as long

Children get slaughtered in school? Sorry, can’t do anything to protect them, would be a violation of our very important rights. Some young adult women lost some swimming races to another young adult woman who may have had a mild unearned advantage? Have to protect the children from this outcome at all costs, by

I don’t think the women in that situation are necessarily just “blindly obeying”. How many options do you think a 16 year old with no income or support has, and with her father, family and probably a good proportion of the 46 sister wives watching over everything she does? I know women have escaped from these “churches

The Churches reaction to Under the Banner of Heaven is fascinating.  They are in an outrage over a story about a crazy fringe group.  You wouldn't find mainstream Jews outraged over a story depicting a murder from a tiny fringe group of Orthodox Jews.

What a great way to discourage girls from participating in sport.

And you know damn well why they don’t want followers knowing the violent, racist, misogynist, and abusive foundation of LDS: because a lot of that shit is still present today. They want it that way.

The horrific Photoshop was far worse than the outfit.

It’s entirely possible she was ducking and the process server had tried in the past to get to her in a less high profile moment. She could be the asshole here.

Also, I’m feeling an attitude of ‘how dare he go after her for custody’. Since they weren’t married, they may not have had a formal agreement filed with the

“’so I’m not going to vote for Democrats this time.’ It’s hard to argue with a lot of that logic, except the very last point!”