
What a time, when this black guy reads about a tea-bagger, run-of-the-mill bigot running for President and regards him favorably over the incumbent. Hey, at least he doesn’t fall within the dark triad!

Joe Walsh 2020: Making not saying the quiet part out loud great again!

Has anyone told Joe that he can’t use campaign donations to pay off his delinquent child support payments? At least not legally.

Dickhead on dickhead violence is the best violence.

My wonderful 27 lb boy.  Giant tabbies are the best.

if he’s big enough do we have to give his height in hands?

We used to have a mutt with Maine Coon in him that was 20 pounds and in great shape (we worked hard to keep him at that because he easily would have been 30 pounds if we fed him as frequently as he wanted). Now we have 2 cats that together weigh 20 pounds (and a dog who will be upset if I don’t mention her). 

[extremely Elton John voice] get that, chonky cat

I fail to see how length of involvement and being “good dudes” precludes sexual abuse. I hope that your assessment is correct, but virtually all of these almost 8k predators were involved with the Boy Scouts over many, many years and people trusted them.

So he’s isn’t a Neo-Nazi, he just loves how Neo-Nazis worship him and tacitly approves and encourages their actions?

Is it weird to have a tv show going in the background while you work? 55 episodes of Friends is about 20 hours of TV, so about 5 hours per day since she did it over a 4-day period, which seems reasonable if you’re jamming through a lot of busy work. I used to artwork comps for a smallish company (a time-intensive

I’ve seen more road rash from someone falling off a bicycle while stopped.

Friends of friends were supposed to get married last weekend. Instead, a funeral service was held on their wedding day because some woman in a car hit and ran the motorcyclist groom. If this chick staged this, she can rot.

In justifying Halperin’s book deal, Judith Regan, the head of Regan Arts, told Politico: “I do not in any way, shape, or form condone any harm done by one human being to another. I have also lived long enough to believe in the power of forgiveness, second chances, and offering a human being a path to redemption.”

Oh bullshit. If the pro forced birther crowd (it’s not “pro life”; if they cared about life they would fund maternity care and support funding for poor children after they are born) was all about reducing or ending abortion; they would support sex education and free and easy access to birth control. They are AGAINST

The face of politics is changing, i.e. it’s no longer a straight white man’s game. So why aren’t the faces of the people covering politics changing too?

One side wants to ban life-saving medical procedures. In the name of being “pro-life.” The other emphasizes that the state should not be allowed to make life or death decisions for its citizens. One side passes laws designed to restrict access to abortion AND OTHER SERVICES on bullshit grounds. The other... doesn’t.

“Compression and advancement against one side and another and sudden urgent pressure to burst out” could also be his conceptual memory of being a little soldier escaping from his daddy’s wang.

To me Leo is the worst offender. He’s made being an eco-warrior a part of his brand. Yet he’s constantly seen flying by private jet to party on a yacht with a bunch of friends and 20 year old supermodels. Environmental issues are a safe cause for rich white celebrities. You don’t have to interact with impoverished

In this case funding is irrelevant, no matter how bad it was, nobody, and I mean nobody, can convince me that they couldn’t have found enough resources to keep THE highest profile prisoner in the US alive. As someone recently said, you’d be considered a conspiracy theorist if you did not think his death was extremely