
If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

I have always looked a little younger than I am and there was several late 30's and early 40 year old guys who were disapointed when they learned I was, in fact, in my late 20's and not my early 20's like they thought.  Older men who deliberately go for younger women are creepy.

I didn’t I read it as giving birth in the past but that she had been previously pregnant and maybe miscarried or possibly even given an abortifacient without the family’s knowledge.

It’s totally about making women uncomfortable because they can. The men in those situations knew that I was in a tenuous position—that I couldn’t react badly because I was at work and they could complain to the bosses. You get good at laughing them off or defusing the situation, but it kills you a little bit every

This could be a whole nother #metoo-esque genre. I don’t know a single woman in my life that hasn’t had some creeping guy who thought he was much more than a casual acquantence in that woman’s life. I have at least a half dozen serious situations and I partnered young and am not even in the same league as Portman. The

Yeah, experience alone tells me Portman is overwhelmingly more likely to be telling the truth here. I’ve had a guy claim to have dated me when the closest we ever got was attending a few of the same events separately. That was weird. And I spent two fraught summers in college working on a landscaping crew where more

Poor Natalie had some similar shit happen with Jonathan Safran Foer too, she worked with him on the Eating Animals movie and apparently he went and told his wife he and Natalie were in love and he was leaving her. Apparently that was news to Natalie who is happily married.

Here’s the infuriating thing:

Guess what Moby, we believe her. As a former cute 18 year olds who was creeped on by 30+ year old men, we know it’s a thing dudes do. Log off and / or delete your account.

How do you claim executive privilege for a document made BEFORE you were president??

What I just don’t get about this situation or any other is, why is it so hard for people to process that abusers single out their victims? A guy might be lovely to 20 people and zero in on the 2 he knows are vulnerable, or who float his boat in a way that he feels entitled to accost. Or he might be lovely when sober

So much this. Lena Dunham is fucking trash. I generally balk at referring to another human being as trash but she is one of the few people I make an exception for. She is the epitome of white privileged stupidity. She’s not even an exceptional talent, the only reason why she ever had a platform in the first place is

I hope his daughter gave it to him. 

Not even just that, but presumably most child predators aren’t drawn to rape literally every child that crosses their path, even among those who are conveniently vulnerable. Saying MJ couldn’t have been a child rapist if he never tried to do anything with Aaron Carter is as ridiculous as if I said that every guy who

There was something about this guy that always creeped me out. I can’t imagine finding him motivational in any way. My first instinct every time I’ve seen him over the years on television was to change the channel immediately.

I read the Buzzfeed article. All of that is standard cult shit.

i like how you phrased your first comment as a question that you wanted answered, but really you just wanted people to answer your question so you could tell them how wrong they were and give them the REAL answer.

The fact that this drug being profiteered, when it could be saving people from a life-destroying sexually-transmitted disease, is being hoarded by a corporation fucking named Gilead is just depressing ironic perfection.

It may be less about politics with your friend and more about, how shall I say it? The fact that he’s a dude?