
Honestly “ex” seems a bit strange and callous- they never broke up or anything... she was murdered

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

The only public figure who I’d assume to have a more boring sex life than Robert Mueller is Pete Buttigieg. 

Please enjoy my tripod Vinnie sitting like a fat old man. I can't do life or politics without her.

Paraphrased: “I don’t want to be around if this shit goes south in a big way, because you are guilty of obstruction. You watch too much Fox News, you give waaaay too many shits about how pundits feel about you, and you’re obsessed with people liking you (they never will). So fuck yourself. Oh, and the conversations we

This is such a fucking antique trope by now. I am so, so, sick of folks who are sitting on ALL OF THE MONEY making fun of people who have so much student loan debt that they can never, ever afford to buy a house. I want to vomit repeatedly, I am so enraged.

One of the worst things about modern life, in addition to things like crushing student loan debt and health insurance deductibles and the proliferation of Marvel Universe movies, is brand Twitter.

For the love of god, someone who supports Biden TELL ME what he is offering that you like (and no, “can beat Trump” is not a valid answer because you don’t actually know that). You want moderateness? Beto or Klobuchar got you! You want white men? You’ve got TONS to choose from? WHAT IS IT ABOUT BIDEN? 

“She’s one of the reasons why we have the #MeToo movement, she’s one of the reasons why I was able to finished writing the Violence Against Women Act,” Biden said.

Fail to apologize directly to her for two decades, then call just before launching his presidential campaign.

No fekkin way I’m touching any dicks that have been in Lindsey Graham’s, um, office.

Never Forget. NEVER Forgive.

And if he truly respected the MeToo movement and took responsibility for his actions, he would not be running.

And all it took was another run at the White House to “motivate” Joe to apologize!

No other candidate has worked as hard to earn my vote, and she’s not slowing down.

There is literally nothing he could do to make himself look more insincere than what he did: Fail to apologize directly to her for two decades, then call just before launching his presidential campaign. Go home, Joe. We’re not buying it anymore.

I was just becoming a young woman while I watched (incredulous and enraged) as hearings destroyed Anita Hills Character (Christine Blasey-Ford X 100) on national television.

Can we stop with this “good old days” crap? The past was not better. Nostalgia is for suckers, chiefly because the past they’reremembering” never actually happened. If their past was “better,” it was only because they were occupying a temporary socio-economic bubble, while studiously ignoring the suffering of those

Folks get tickets on the daily for not seeing a speed limit sign, a woman got jailtime for accidentally voting incorrectly, and someone died for selling loose cigs.

You can’t tell me that “I didn’t know that $500,000 was an iffy amount of money to spend on a ‘facilitator’ for my clearly unqualified daughter to have

I swear, he must be shocked to see the sun rise every morning. Does he even have object permanence?