
He is insane to want to be with her.

A professional fighter in a bathroom would be a 5 to 1 favorite over any one guy so story checks out.

You are a racist. Delete your account.

Meanwhile, crony capitalists keep pouring money into crooked Hillary’s campaign.

She actually does like sick and feeble and her public medical records do indicate she is taking blood thinners. She also chose to rest up for days for another fundraiser rather than go to Louisiana.

He did. He is for TEAM AMERICA (fuck yeah) where we don’t look at the color of your skin only if you are American or not. Beautiful!

It was a well-written piece and fair — something rarely seen within the former-Gawker empire.

He’s right. Medals are opiates for the masses.

“He should have been President first”

“I was going to report being raped, but my rapist was Muslim migrant and I did not want to be called a racist ... even though Muslims are not a race.”

“It all looked fine to us”

“MOST” women, unless they live in an Islamic country or have a run-in with Bill Clinton, are not treated “like shit.”


Crazier still, some of them actually believe that humans and not the Sun control the climate of the earth.

How is Hollywood dealing with the numerous women that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted and harassed through the years?

Dude looks like a guy that you would call the cops on if you saw him anywhere near a playground.

Guy is still less violent than an average resident of Detroit.

Left-wing biased blogs are so Establishment.

Considering Senator Reid got filthy rich in that town after years in government, I suggest the Vegas Crony Capitalists

Or Stickman