
That's nothing- If you type "5318008" into a calculator and turn it upside-down, it says (spoilers) "boobies".

You know, it's hard to believe I found this gimmick annoying at first. God's work, son.

He shapes the meat into a giant lady and fucks that. Frankly, if they're breaking him out in season one, this show might be exactly as insane as I wanted it to be.

Tell me about it. I watched Mel Brooks' entire filmography over the past four days. The life's work of a towering comedy genius, the kind of figure whose films I imagine people got excited about, with a new one coming along sparingly enough to make them all the more special, and I watched them while eating chicken

How come Zorro doesn't dance any more? Remember the Zorrosui?

Hiring the guy who wrote Master of Disguise? Ya knucklehead! *slaps, pokes in eyes*

This is incredibly reminiscent of the rambling musical criticism from American Psycho

If this is anyone other than Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit!

Why does the west, the fattest of the hemispheres, not simply eat the other three?

"It was me, Ryan Gosling, the architect of all your pain."

In your country, everyone is always looking to examine the ennui of changing social norms against the backdrop of suburbia. In Soviet Russia, the ennui of changing social norms against the backdrop of suburbia examines YOU!

I also think of you as a total anus

Oh, so it's Creature Comforts meets Bojack Horseman, but not as good as either. Good stuff.

That is such a Hufflepuff thing to say

Ignatiy is one of my favourite writers on film anywhere, so giving him a regular feature is totally brilliant, especially one allowing me to expand my hipster film cred. ¡Viva AVClub, Viva Univision!

Oscars so white, they use Chris Rock quotes to justify their own racism

You know, I confused Thor: Ragnarok with Thor: The Dark World because of bland forgettable subtitle disorder, and honestly I've never seen Predators. I fucked this one right up, lads, sorry. Ignore me.

The creative teams behind Kick-Ass 2, Predators, Terminator: Salvation and Thor: Ragnarok? Was this limited to people behind terrible sequels?

But does he something something Emma Stone Asian something something

Don't forget how the entire commentariat universally agreed with that article defending the Star Wars prequels!