
Judging from that preview image, the animation of this is about on the level of an amateur Flash cartoon from the mid-2000s, so I think I'll give it a miss, cheers.

The only thing stopping a bad Nazi with a gun, is a good Nazi with a gun.

1. Grumpy
2. Keyboard
3. Nyan
4. Stevens

This isn't even the 4th-most famous internet cat, and this won't even be the best cat-based gimmick album released this year. Culture has gotten so weird, you guys.

I dunno which I prefer, the guy who answers every Pop Culture Weekend with "Predator Again", or this.

Last night I saw the new Fassbender Macbeth, as it's one of the 4 key texts for my Shakespeare course this year. The viscera and violence were more childish than challenging, but I liked the historical-Macbeth aesthetic, which was very much like that of Vikings on Amazon. It added a bizarre, aberrant parental theme

Thank god for these promotional materials, I had never heard of this Daily Show before now

Thank god for these promotional materials, I had never heard of this Daily Show before now

Tumblr doing things with Harry Potter gifs? Breaking new ground here, AVClub!

You know, swearing is rather uncouth

In accordance with tradition, can whoever voice acts a character in this later have that role taken in the feature film version of their most famous character, a la Lorenzo Music and Bill Murray?

Oh god, you're onto me! *smoke bomb, coughs, staggers away*

Between this and LeBlanc in Episodes, there's a whole subgenre forming around former Friends stars in British comedies about how different entertainment sensibilities and TV productions in the UK and the US are, for some reason.

"Boy, True Detective executive producer Nic Pozzolato, I really—really Cronenberged the world up, didn't I? Got a whole planet of Cronenbergs walking around down there"

Didn't know this when I made that attempt at a joke. Fuck me, sorry, folks.

"Obama Expects Blue Collar Workers to Clean Up his Messes"

I had no idea who Wayne Newton was, so I googled him. He looks like a racist sketch show actor in "Asian" make-up doing an Elvis impersonation.

Her hair in that picture looks a bit like the ears/fur of some sort of fancy, well-groomed breed of dog. So that's a criteria in this award, maybe?

You know, an American network with a British supernatural drama's like a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows why they bought it, and danged if they know when to air it.

This was on British TV a few months ago, and I enjoyed it. It's not so much a horror series as it is a drama, exploring how the "haunting" affects the lives of the characters. Timothy Spall was particularly good. So, yeah. I wish I had snark, but I just liked this and want to encourage people to check this out.